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RSS ShikeNuggets

Reward Points:6
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Apple was fine until the new guy came in. They're changing the headphone jack so you can't use regular headphones anymore. You have to buy Apple so they make more money.

1 point

First of all, its Mortal Kombat. Second of all, age should not dictate whether a game should die or not.

1 point

I have to give this one to Superman 64. The N64 controller itself is quite strange (I love it, i'm just used to 2 prongs and 2 sticks), but mixed with these bad controls, flying through rings, the lack of a QA department, it's just bad.

1 point

Sometimes it is, but Religion itself is not a form of escapism.

1 point

I would hardly say Christianity is preposterous. Evolution is a joke, i mean, your explanation for how the world came into existence is that nothing randomly exploded into everything and by the tiniest chance created humanity. Not so believable when it's put like that, is it?

1 point

As a christian, this is dumb. Superman was a fictional character created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster. There are various historical references to God, especially Jesus. If you choose not to believe, that's fine, but this is a very stupid basis for a debate.

1 point

Yeah, but Superman did at some point punch so fast the fucking dimensions split.

1 point

Flash may be the fastest man alive, but Superman is not just a man. He's a superman(That was bad, I know). Superman's kryptonian abilities give him an edge when it comes to speed. As for their race in Smallville, Superman hadn't quite maxed out his powers yet (He couldn't even fly at this point) AND Smallville isn't canon with anything, including itself, so there's that...

1 point

Since Batman has no actual superhuman abilities (at least, none that we are aware of) and Superman has super in his name... well... case closed.

1 point

Peaceful leader of India versus one of the most evil people alive. Why is this a discussion?

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