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RSS StephanFaas

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

If there were guns or weren't guns, if he wanted to commit an act of crime that bad he would have tried another way. Look in the majority of countries where all guns are illegal(terrible idea btw), there are mass knife attacks much worse than the Parkland shooting. And there have been studies after studies by very democratic sources that prove that if guns were made illegal, there would be much more gun deaths than there already are.

You probably think gun-free zones work don't you?

0 points

I am a pro-life gun supporter(I do not "worship" guns, I don't think anyone does to be honest, that would be insane to have a religion worshipping a man-made object as there leader and holy one) and yes people are dying, but over a million of peoples lives are saved by guns then taken by them a year. There are around 34,000 gun deaths a year, 14,000 from suicides so technically there are only 20,000 gun deaths a year because this isn't me being insensitive or anything but if you have that thought and you want to commit suicide, with or without a gun you are going to find a way to do it. So that being said, the majority of mass shootings that happen in the US are done so by using handguns and if you take handguns away then the common law obeying citizen wouldn't be able to defend himself from crazy lunatics with a gun. And there are 83,000 drunk driving deaths a year in the US alone, why not instead of putting restrictions on guns(which is infringing on the second amendment), we put laws on the stuff that is more deadly and causes more harm to people and the brain over consistent use.

Getting back to what you said, "How can a lot of prolifers worship guns? People are dying", first of all, wanting to protect yourself from internal and external threats and to live by the constitution is completely different than being pro-life. Me wanting the ability to protect myself in the case of an emergency and my friends and family is exactly what it means, to protect. Being pro-life means that I believe in not killing an unborn child that after 20 weeks can feel pain, at 16 weeks the mother or host can feel the kicks.

I'm going to guess you're not pro-life huh?

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