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RSS StrangeFox

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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

I am not a physicist, I am a theorist. So if any ting I say, it's mostly in my own knowledge and that I can craft. Time travel is, in itself, a dream. A distant dream that is blocked by a large quantity of know laws of physics. But let me remind you that back in the day flight was all but impossible for humans, until two brothers who owned a bicycle shop showed the world. Time works in a mechanical motion, flowing forth in a constant. If you proceeded to stop time, then the world would ultimately become gradually still in a form of central position. If time travel is to be proven, then we must break this barrier. It's not a easy job, considering you alone have a limited life span, which in time would make you practically minuscule. So, how do you go back in time? Well, some people believe that you can copy and paste your self in a different reality, in which it began the amount of time you wish to travel from or what have you. To do this, we would have to leave THIS reality and move to another. If it was possible, it would open the door to a hidden dilemma. A paradox is the ultimate blue screen of death, it is mathematical conundrum that cannot be solved, a riddle to our existence we cannot solve, it is the end of the circle. If in any case you would remove to the back of time, then it would move continually. As long as you did not move, talk, eat, kill, or replace anything in the past, then the future will process normally. It will see you through a sequence. A- Person is born B- Person goes back in time before A C- person continues through life and makes a sequence to remove itself from B. This is pretty universal, but it's also a bit insane. So there, this is my first opinion on time travel. I believe that maybe 1 day we will be able to do so, but unless you can bitch-slap newton, I don't see time-travel possible. I hope this helps.

1 point

I came to a heightened conclusion when I actually had a debate about NOT being theistic. The truth is that Theism is actually a way to inspire many to continue on with their daily struggles. I am actually an athiest, but I understand the loss of this certain belief. Imagine if you experienced a life threatening struggle. Who or what would you trust in to make things right. Although this would not change anything as far as your future is concerned but could you imagine if you didn't have something to hope for? It is up to you what you believe and how you believe, and I have gotten along fine without religion... but it makes you wonder, who do you turn to when the journey looks impossible and you need to feel encouraged. I hope this helps.

1 point

That is not a clear answer to this debate, can you explain why you think animals are bad in there nature?

1 point

Heh, This name is going to bite me (no pun intended), but I will say that Animals themselves in nature are not bad, but experience is the only determination. If You have a fear of animals, then as a human being it is understandable as this fear is normal. If your prefer pets in your home, then as you care and feed them (regardless of the fact they eat more food then you, pee on the rug, and smell like a circus latrine) then you would find them to be comforting. Again, a humans opinion on animals are usually effected by experience. If I was a Young boy and a dog attacked/scared me, then I would find them terrible. It's a mindset, and human belief thereof. Hope this helps

1 point

Religion regardless if it existed or not wouldn't change anything, because religion is a mindset created by culture. It is a way to explain things that humans have no answers to. If I could say it would make no difference if you worshiped a god or what have you. Your Life is a constant and the only thing that changes is the way you choose what you do. Consider it as a number of variables. If I chose variable 1 over the others, then I would be here rather then if I took the other choices. Religion is based on culture and mindset, therefor you would find no difference as many to this day are non-religious. I hope this helps.

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"I will not threaten you or your culture. I have no doubts about your abilities, not should you."

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Gender: Male
Age: 25
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Postal Code: 32080

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