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RSS Thanh

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

The thing is, education may not be needed in order to become great, as you have said. However, education is much more than simply becoming rich or famous. Through education, one has the chance to understand things they haven't, to be more than they can be, to experience different ideas and grow from experiences that only a college student can have. Thus, although education is not a necessity to become great as you have said, education helps to better one's understanding of the world they live in as well as how one makes choices that occur throughout his/her lifetime. Education isn't "needed," but it changes who you are in such a way that you can become a better or worse person, not just "living out life," but education gives you the chance to understand it in a new way.

1 point

If it were all about being made equal, then how far should it go? If for equality, then would it be too much to ask to make everyone think exactly the same? Otherwise, then some people would have an unfair advantage simply because they knew the material better than others. You see, the point trying to be made here is that if equality was a reason to make students wear uniforms, then no one would be different and stand out, so the whole reason for grades would be completely nonsensical. Because each person is subject to their own freedom of speech by the amendments, and as long as it doesn't disturb the classroom environment, then it should not be a problem to wear whatever you wanted.

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"IB kid right here. :DD"

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Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Religion: Agnostic

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