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RSS TheDrummer

Reward Points:13
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6 most recent arguments.
3 points

Everyone is basically saying that graphics are the main reason they will buy a system/console. No one looks at the operating system or Life Span. The Xbox 360 has a 3.2 GHz PowerPC Xenon CPU, The PS3 has a 3.2 GHz Cell Broadband Engine. Looking at that, they are both basically the same, however, The 360 has better games and more multiplayer compatibility.

1 point

What you fail to see is the way of acquiring genes to make better genes. Take, for example, Bovine Somatotropin or BST, it is the hormone in dairy cows that makes them produce milk. If you want your cows to produce more milk you ask a scientist to make it so your cow will produce more BST. The scientist takes the BST hormone out of the cow, Splices it to E. Coli bacteria, lets the bacteria ferment, purifies it and lets it multiply, then he re-injects it back into the cow. The cow will then make more BST and more milk. You see? The hormone came from the same cow it was going back into. So if you were going to need something for a human, you would need to get the gene that you were going to improve FROM A HUMAN.

2 points

First of all, look at all of the opportunities that Genetically Modified Organisms can give us as humans.

1. Plants that are resistant to Heat and Frost.

2. Plants that are resistant to Insects.

3. Plants that are resistant to the herbicide chemical Roundup

4. Cotton plants of any color, deleting the use of Dyes in fabric.

5. Cows able to feed on Sawdust and reducing the sawdust buildup in the air.

6. Sheep with colored wool, reducing the use of dyes in fabric.

You look at thet and tell me what you think about them harming anything.

1 point

Not only is China one of the biggest trade partners with the United States of America, it also has no military power besides nuclear missles. China, being a huge supporter of the United Nations, would never break the resolution of no more nulclear missles made and launched.

1 point

Punishment is usually physical, and the human body will only allow so much pain to be felt before passes out. Guilt is not physical at all. Guilt is mental and it is only in the mind, and will stay with you until the matter is resolved.

4 points

Chuck Norris is just a man, Master Chief may be an avatar, but were he real, he would kick Chuck's ass so fast he wouldnt be able to see it.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Pepsi FTW!!
Winning Position: Coke is better

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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