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RSS Thumperhere

Reward Points:10
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

God does exist. Millions and millions of people can't be wrong. People have believed in God since the dawn of time, about three thousand years ago.

We're not related to monkeys. I have no monkey aunties or uncles, and I've never heard of anyone who did. This can't be some terrible family secret that EVERY family has managed to keep?? Man was created in Gods image, it says so in the bible.

Thumperhere(10) Clarified
1 point

Since when has sex been bottom of the ladder when it comes to entertainment? Most people I know are off finding non carnal forms of entertainment when there's no sex on offer.

Money only works like that for professional gamblers. Most wealthy people get their money not from robbing the poor, but in exchange for goods or services they have played their part in producing or providing. Without them, there wouldn't be anything for the single mums to feed their babies, clothe themselves or houses to live in.

Without Rich man, there ain't no poor man.....

1 point

I couldn't wait to get my licence. Theres' a simple formula to all this, the more younger drivers on the road, the more serious injuries and deaths we get on the road. Sure, there might be some 15 year olds capable of being responsible enough to hold a licence, but unfortunately this is not the case for all 15 year olds. Not all 16 year olds should be on the road, not all 30 year olds should - but the idea is, the higher you go in age, the more responsible and capable the driver will be.

As road users, we must accept the human cost. In America, about 95 people a day are killed on the road. That's the price we pay for being able to drive round great lumps of steel. If 95 people died in plane crashes in America each month, no one would fly.

In Australia, drivers aged 17-25 are responsible for 25% of road fatalities, but only 10% of drivers, and the younger they are, the higher the chance of dying.

Make the most of mums taxi for just a bit longer kids!

1 point

Everything has a creator? So the bible says.....

Convenient isn't it... God is the swiss army knife of knowledge. Anything you don't understand, anything good that happens, anything thats wonderful, anything that warms your heart.

The basis of a principle is a fundamental truth or rule. A belief in religion requires a gap between what is supported by evidence and what assumptions the belief relies on.

Whilst I cannot remember my own birth, I can only assume I came from my parents rather than the family cat. Indeed my lineage is based on evidence supporting my suspicion the lady and man that brought me up were indeed my parents, but you never know.

1 point

Whilst I am pro abortion, I would not consider this to be an abortion, but rather an induced premature delivery.

What are the hypothetical circumstances surrounding the female who requires/requests this procedure?

If not privately funded, I would consider this a waste of money from the public purse, better spent on research or caring for those who have already been born.

Winning Position: Yes (for the Atheists)

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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