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RSS Timy

Reward Points:1
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5 most recent arguments.
2 points

Think about children, how they learn the language. They don't know how to read, therefore they don't study the grammar rules, and yet they learn to speak the language fast and fluent. Best to study English through listening and conversation practice first, then grammar later when you are in the advanced level.

2 points

Pragmatically, conversation lessons and exercises are intended to improve conversational skills. For this reason, I find it helpful to first focus on building skills by eliminating some of the barriers that might be in the way of production. Having been assigned roles, opinions and points of view that they do not necessarily share, students are freed from having to express their own opinions. Therefore, they can focus on expressing themselves well in English. In this way, students tend to concentrate more on production skills, and less on factual content. They also are less likely to insist on literal translations from their mother tongue.

2 points

Most English learners feel that they need more conversation practice. In fact, over the years I've noticed that the number one requested skill by students is conversation practice. I think this points clearly to the fact that students need English to communicate first and foremost. Grammar, writing and other skills are all very important, but in the students' minds conversation is the most important. Unfortunately, teaching conversational skills is much more challenging that teaching grammar.

2 points

How about the kids? Do they learn grammar? The kids need to learn more about conversation skill, before they start to learn grammar. A kids about 1 or 2 years old how do they communicate with their parents? Do they use grammar to communicate? of cause not. For example, when they hungry how they tell their parents? using grammar? no, they using conversation word like mom mom.

Also, The teachers when they explain you or have a communicate with they usually using conversation skill, words. So I think grammar is not so important than practising conversation skill.

2 points

How about the kids? Do they learn grammar? The kids need to learn more about conversation skill, before they start to learn grammar. A kids about 1 or 2 years old how do they communicate with their parents? Do they use grammar to communicate? of cause not. For example, when they hungry how they tell their parents? using grammar? no, they using conversation word like mom mom.

Also, The teachers when they explain you or have a communicate with they usually using conversation skill, words. So I think grammar is not so important than practising conversation skill.

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