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RSS Verukter

Reward Points:44
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

By all means, feel free to point it out so that I can clarify.

1 point

Well I'm not looking for opinions that consist of 3 words. I joined this website after leaving another debate website because I was looking for intelligent conversion. Not just random 3 word answers followed by insults (cunt? seriously? Who the fuck still uses that word?) and why did you even get so angry in the first place? All I did was say you didn't post an argument on a DEBATE website, therefor it should have been deleted (hence the 50 character or more rule). And you got so angry.

I usually debate

Bullshit. What I'm responding to is the longest post in your last 10 most recent post. So fuck you.

1 point

Oh why thats VERY mature.


1 point

the rest of the universe.

Mars, the next planet furthest from the sun in our solar system, is hardly "the rest of the Universe".

1 point

This argument was no formulated by myself. It was first created by a youtube user who was debunking a video made my 2 creationist attacking Bill Nye. I put it on this website so I could have more than myself asset it.

2 points

Such as?


1 point

What the fuck are you talking about? YOU ARE ON A FUCKING DEBATING WEBSITE. Thats what people COME ON HERE TO DO. If you don't like debating people then you don't belong on this website you. Why don't you go to where you can express your opinion without intelligent conversion.

1 point

Without the obvious: world peace, world hunger, ect. I would make it so people were more interested in the Cosmos and space travel. I think there is much to learn about the space outside of Earth.

Verukter(44) Clarified
1 point

I have not, but I will definitely check it out. Anything having to do with astronomy is of great interest to me.

1 point

I disagree but why do you end every single comment with ";)" ?

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Christiaan 
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Green Party
Country: United States
Religion: Buddhist
Education: High School

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