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RSS Agreetodiss

Reward Points:8
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

I DISSagree to agree, to be honest it is wrong, if you abort him/her for no reason, but people shouldn't be so aggressive, maybe she's pregnant by the age of 13-14 because of rape, she's too young holding the baby of a monster, maybe she's not ready and can't afford to look after a child, clothe him, feed him, somewhere to live, we understand but if its simply because you didn't use a condom and you don't want a child, is what I find selfish. Maybe the child can make her ill and die during birth, theres so many reasons.

1 point

one point, eleven words. Religion always brought people together, todays media are bringing us apart.

Religion . Christianity, islam , Judaism

are all about love and acceptation.

But todays media and society is just hatred,unloyalty, nothing about being equal, you are either, rich and accepted, or religious and poor.

Just my point of view, everyone looks up to and admire, atheist who preaches about their being no god and if you believe you are to believe your abnormal, women in islam can't walk around with a headscarf, just the other day a womens Christian cross necklace was pulled off her neck.,

in todays day, we are not aloud to believe in anything or have a opinion if the media doesn't accept of it.

2 points

This isn't only in the u.s this isn't only trump, but I do agree with your point, but this is todays political world, The laws are made, but the police are not enforcing them, its sad that the past is re-living it self, and all the people who fought to make todays laws, are being broken by people corrupted with greed for money and power.

1 point

um hello is that even a question?! We have police shooting, arresting, even raping young innocent people, for no reason at all, and I personally believe even if they did have a reason, it should have been, for someone else placing a gun to their heads not because they want too. This isn't the 1700's where they can shoot you for stealing bread this is 2016 in 2 days it will be 2017 we have all these generations and ansestors fighting for rights, making the law, for everyone to be safe and for everything to be fair, but the ones for enforce the law are fighting it.! No they don't need to be more strict they need therapy and knowledge about their own dam job.

1 point

I agree to disagree, as I am devoted to my religon I would obviously say no!, as a lady or man should not loose their virginty to someone who is not going to be there in the next 10 or so years, why make a mistake of feeling pleasured at the age of 16 when you can wait and receive from someone who you truly love, and who truly loves you, your hormones shouldn't get in the way of this. You make love because you love that person, not because they turn you on. But my agree to disagree is. many people don't plan on getting married so I beleive you should wait until your older, when you find someone you love, and when your matured, to take this big step in your life.

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