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RSS Amandalc33

Reward Points:5
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7 most recent arguments.
3 points

that makes almost no sense....none of the factory farms sends dieing chicken to poverty states just so they can eat. Basically, the ratio of all the chickens dieing in factory farms to the chickens dieing on a regular farm are much greater.

5 points

Antibiotic resistence is becoming a serious issue. Humans in the US receive about 3 million pounds of antibiotics a year, which is nothing compared to the 25 million pounds animals are given. And while in theory they have to wait for the drugs to leave the system this is not enforced nearly often enough (in the same way that many chickens in the store still have arsenic in them.)

8 points

Agricultural waste from factory farms is allowed to run off into the waterways. It has gotten so bad that "dead zones" have formed that are uninhabitable to aquatic life. The EPA asst. administrator says agriculture is the arguably the single largest source of water pollution in the USA.

7 points

Factory farming is the form of raising animals for food in extreme confinement, in order to maximize profits. In addition to intense confinement, abuses usually associated with factory farming include massive doses of hormones and antibiotics, battery cages, gestation crates, and veal crates. All the things injected into the animal for growth are extremely bad for them and also the consumers. The use of growth promoting antibiotics, and anabolic hormones in meat production makes contamination of the meat supply is commonplace. Given the levels of overcrowding, unhygienic rearing, and transportation conditions it is not difficult to see how easy it is to get a deadly bacteria or virus through the animals. Intensive animal production may yield high profits but only by imposing some pretty vicious costs.

5 points

Most Americans on average recycle 86-88% of there bottle waters. That is more than half! So stop complaining that we dont recycle because we do!

7 points

In order for the U.S economy to thrive we need to have a budget deficit that will not be overwhelming high. The main source of lowering the percentage of direct tax on the people is the production and selling of bottled water. Not only will our debt as a whole will increase but so would the unemployment throughout the U.S. As of right now the employment percentage has falling 8.3% since January. With 12.8 million people still remaining unemployed just about 43% of them for more than six months, and that another 8.2 million part-time workers couldn’t find full-time employment. These statistics read what the unemployment is like without removing the manufactures of water bottle production. It is said if the production of water bottles is recalled the unemployment rate could double.

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