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RSS Anjali

Reward Points:21
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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6 most recent arguments.
0 points

I got a good idea!

Why not check it out?

and you can imagine what ever you wish about it!

Her's a link that i believe will help you understand!

Supporting Evidence: Quark star (
0 points

Oh i love and Appreciate your concern for me! How about coming to London, I feel bored during these stupid classes!

1 point



but, 1/2=0/0!

This is not correct, is it!

also, 1=2x 0/0 is not correct as well!

This is because: any thing by 0 is not defined!

-1 points

There is no saying if they really exist! IT may be just a just!

0 points

According to me, My friend Alstars is right....

He once had explained to me a perfect theory that proves the existence of a chain at infinite uniforms and pretexts.... He named it the CFE: Chain for Everything!

This he shared only with me!

So, this says that there can never be a perfect theory that can explain the universe and its constituents all by itself!

1 point

There is no doubt about it.

River Thames is the best place where you can spend your week ends...

The London eye is a n enjoyable one!

Whats more you have got the LIVING EINSTEIN here!

Displaying 3 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Possible
Winning Position: Can never be explained easily
Winning Position: Yeah

About Me

"Where i go, Joy and fun Follows, I will rock this site also!"

Biographical Information
Name: Anjali Sharma
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United Kingdom
Religion: Hindu
Education: High School

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