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RSS Aspeaking

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

But they can't wear the same uniform year after year, if they have 4 children in a family,how could they buy every year 4 uniforms. The uniform useless outside of school,but ouside and school they could wear casual clothes.

1 point

It is controversial issue, everyone has own opinion. School it is a place where children get knowledge,it is not a podium where their demonstrate their clothes. Thanks for sharing your opinion.

2 points

The issue is controversial. Of course it have some benefits and disadvantages, but in my point of view school uniforms should not be considered as a main thing, EDUCATION is the most important thing, student after graduating are not going to show their clothes, their going to present their knowledge,good behaviour and competence, in order to have good future.

1 point

According to the John Grossman' article "A study on the effect of uniforms on violence and substance use published in 1998 by David L. Brunsma and Kerry A. Rockquemore has found that a uniforms policy actually does not seem to have any positive influence on discipline. While discipline is usually one of the main reasons behind a school's decision to implement a uniforms policy, this same policy could actually have a negative impact on student behavior, especially amongst teenage students. Teenagers are rebellious by nature, and imposing a uniform on them, especially after a period where they were allowed to wear casual clothes, may create tension in the school"

1 point

I respect your point of you, but school uniforms are not comfortable, students won't feel free, it may prevent learning process.

1 point

I wrote you before, that we have a lot of fabrics that make uniforms. All f them have a different type of style and quality, it also shows economic background. You've said that students fell more educational, but appearance should me indicator of education.

1 point

If you are talking about economic background, you know that in our city a lot of fabrics that make uniforms,so some of them has good quality, some of them substandard. It also shows economic background of family.

1 point

I'm talking about families who has a lot of children and cannot afford certain things, just imagine, they should buy clothes for each child.Children growing up too fast,therefore parents can't save money, they have to buy every year. Casual clothes is useful, they can wear this clothes outside of school.

1 point

However on the other hand, they spend most of their time at school. Where they supposed to express their individuality, if not at school? At that age students go through personal development, in my opinion it could have some negative consequences on their individuality.

1 point

The next significant argument is price. There are a lot of families who have about 3-4 children, and they can not afford new uniform to each child, they are growing up too fast and uniforms become smaller. Uniforms are not versatile type of clothes, children can wear it only to school, but casual clothes they can wear outside of school.

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