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RSS Beckynock

Reward Points:9
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4 most recent arguments.
2 points

We can create revenue from recycling by using the waste to create energy. We also save money as resources do not need to be remade

2 points

We should recycle because recycling reuses resources, so they are not wasted. It also saves landfill space.

1 point

I completely agree. This world revolves around politics and money. But money doesn't solve everything.

4 points

I think we should implement sustainable development globally. Sustainable development has multiple advantages that could help the world develop in an environmentally friendly way. It allows low income countries such as those in Africa to develop but to deviate from the western pattern of development by which the atmosphere was polluted and resources were consumed at an alarming rate. This can lead to economic development and can therefore help alleviate the issue of poverty in LIC's.

Furthermore, sustainable development focuses primarily on slowing resource consumption in the developed world. If everyone on the plant consumed resources at the rate that the UK does, we would need 3 planet Earths to sustain our consumption. In 50 years time, we will face resource scarcity so grand that we won't be able to provide the small things people have come to expect, like paper and electricity, simply because we have run out due to our selfishness and greed.

The government has targets towards sustainable development, set by the UN. Despite this, they place very little emphasis on the topic, so few people know what it is. It is very important that sustainable development is more widely publicised, in order to make it happen.

Helping it along isn't difficult. The smallest things like turning off lights and recycling help. If everyone contributed we could improve this issue massively. And, in my opinion, it is extremely important that we do.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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