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RSS Billyjean107

Reward Points:1
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

As for the "atheism" existed before Christianity argumentators,

You are all correct: The Dinosaurs, cockroaches, and apes that preceded us did not have the brain power to form religions as we do.

And it is sad that this is your best argument against atheism, why? because by doing so you all are already claiming that Atheism existed before God, meaning there was a time that God did not exist. After all, according to some old person: "I think therefore I am" meaning God HAD to have believed in himself and what he was doing in order to have existed, because according to christian doctrine, "God is eternal and sees and IS the past present and future, meaning there has and always was Christianity!"

But by claiming Atheism existed before Christianity, all of you are rejecting doctrine that God is eternal (Or you are claiming that God really has no idea what the fuck he his doing and just creates random shit just to see what it does), meaning that to everyone who has agreed to this argument and are Christians:

Congratulations! You have just created a new offshoot of Christianity:

Here I'll help you name it: Hypocrisy At it's Finest. or H.A.I.F Christianity.

-The name of the church is called: God is not eternal as According to us Atheism existed before God therefore SOME of the christian doctrine, including half the Bible is wrong on some and or many parts.

-Mass starts at 7 AM, those who fail to attend will burn in hell.

1 point

As for the "atheism" existed before Christianity argumentators,

You are all correct: The Dinosaurs, cockroaches, and apes that preceded us did not have the brain power to form religions as we do.

And it is sad that this is your best argument against atheism, why? because by doing so you all are already claiming that Atheism existed before God, meaning there was no God before God. After all, God had to have believed in himself. And according to christian doctrine, God is eternal and sees and IS the past present and future, meaning there has and always was Christianity!

But by claiming Atheism existed before Christianity, all of you are rejecting doctrine that God is eternal, meaning everyone who has agreed to this argument and are Christians:

Congratulations! You have just created a new offshoot of Christianity:

Here I'll help you name it: Hypocrisy At it's Finest. or H.A.I.F Christianity.

-The name of the church is called: God is not eternal as According to us Atheism existed before God therefore the Bible is wrong on some parts.

-Mass starts at 7 AM, those who fail to attend will burn in hell.

1 point

For 17 years, I was in about 4 different bunch of christian groups. I was bullied profusely because of my autism. For example: 1 girl refused to shake my hand during the peace be with you because I was "awkward".

I was

Then I joined up 4 non religious groups. And for the past 3 years I can say I have made the most amount of strong friendships in my entire life.

What's funny is this: at first I was mad at christianity, after all, religion was a tool used by politicians to create wars, great schisms, mass genocides, needless crusades, iquisitions, slavery, etc. To me Christianity and Islam were the most destructive religions on earth because of how easy it was for kings and politicians to manipulate the believers into killing and murdering and hating.

I also hated it because when I was in these religious groups, we would go to church and pray, and make discussions and games to help us show love to God and one another. But during the breaks, I was left out of conversations, picked on, gossiped about, etc.

After a year of hating christianity, I finally realized this:

It doesn't matter what religious or non-religious belief/ideal that you have, it depends on your individuality.

If your a totally dickhead and you believe in a God that punishes the wicked and sends them to hell, then you are a total hypocrite.

If so many "church goer's" and "God-loving christians" don't practice what they preach and say they believe in God then according to what I have experienced this is what I have to say about their God:

a) God may not exist. But if he does, then he is either too weak to punish the guilty, or HIS version of GOOD does not match our version of good. Meaning: rape, robbery, intolerance, hatred, murder, is all part of God's plan. Because he is either evil, weak, or non-existant.

In the end:

I chose to believe that God is non existent, because his existence is both an unimportant waste of searching and never finding (like trying to find a needle in a haystack, or maybe it was never put there?), and has caused much grief over the past centuries as all major religions have.

I am atheist, and I live my life based on being a productive, loving, caring, and tolerant member of society. And will not bow to such a destructive religion that politicians and kings have in the past and even today (as seen with ISIS leaders and some conservative congressmen) can easily take advantage of. *Note- Islam and Christianity are simply offshoots of Judaism. While Islam was technically older, the Qu'ran, which had the same aura that Christianity's bible had was made 500 years AFTER the Bible. As such, I see Islam as no different that Christianity which is why I made that comparison of ISIS leaders to some conservative congressmen as both are conservative and share very very similar values.)

1 point

Ratio of Satanic mass genocides to Christian mass genocides:


Hail satan!

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