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RSS Bobbylang

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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

The United States will remain the Super Power in the future because it has a better economy, stronger military, and better Government Structure. The United States GDP is 19.739 trillion and China’s is 11.2 trillion. The average United States household has a much higher annual income than the average Chinese household. The average Chinese person has only 1/3 the spending power that a U.S. citizen has. The United States has a higher military budget, it spends 554.2 billion/year. China spends 215 billion/year. The United has 12,100 military aircraft and China has 3,729. China has about double the military personnel that the U.S. has, however the United States has a much more experienced fighting force. The United States has a better Political system than China does. The United States has an elected government. There is a separation of legislative, judicial, and executive powers. China is ruled by the Chinese Communist Party, there is no separation of powers, no checks and balances, and no independent press.

1 point

The USA should have dropped the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because they would fight till there last man dropped leaving the war to continue killing thousands apron thousands of US soldiers, and if they dropped the nuke in the bay it would either show that we are soft and would only use this bomb to intimidate them or they could have Thor it missed and untidily retaliating.

3 points

North Korea has conducted six nuclear tests and threatened to fire off missiles towards the US territory of Guam and said it might test a hydrogen bomb in the Pacific Ocean.

all this comes from reports that Pyongyang may have finally succeeded in building a nuclear weapon that could fit on an inter-continental missile a accomplishment dreaded by the US and its Asian allies. This is one of the most important things to keep in mind. A war on the Korean peninsula serves no one's interests. The North Korean government's main goal is survival and direct conflict with the US would seriously totally obliterate there whole country.

2 points

because the the country's that have the veto power can basically do whatever they want and not face en consequences.

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