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RSS Brokenspear9

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One thing you far lefties seem to forget is that the "elites" provide jobs. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Trump, Oprah... The list goes on. The ones who don't provide jobs consume and allow businesses to expand which also provides more jobs. Taking away what they have earned bc ppl are butthurt and lazy is dumb. And don't forget they get taxed out the ass. The job market changes every decade or so, you have to adapt to it.

2 points

You can sugar coat it however you want. The ONLY case in which I could even possibly agree with abortion is for a rape victim. It is the womans and her partners responsibility to make sure some form of contraceptive is used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Denying the fact that what grows in a woman is a living being deserving of life simply because its convenient and removes responsibility is complete bull. The arrogance one must have to decide when a life is a life and when a life matters, when it has value and when it does not is incredible. The problem with people who don't believe in God or don't at least agree with the values of the bible is they will make any excuse to make any act acceptable. So sleep soundly knowing that planned parenthood is removing all those life sucking deadly "parasites" from all those women and thank your mother for not having you removed because you were inconvenient.

The thing you forget is some of our truest most patriotic Americans are in the military and most would not side with a corrupt government trying to oppress its people.

When Americans see those freedoms start to slip we get angry because we were born and raised free men and women and we know the potential dangers of slowly giving that up. At least conservatives do anyways. Also an apache helicopter can fuck some shit up on a truly terrifying scale, however, no aircraft is completely armoured or bulletproof as they still need to be light enough to fly and any helicopter is succeptable to small arms fire damage.

Increased gun contol is just a gateway for complete gun control and in combination with the direction liberals are trying to take the country and being openly supportive of socialism, that would be very dangerous. Weed used to be illegal everywhere. Guess what, people still got it. If someone truly wants to do harm he or she wil find a way with or without a gun. If liberals had their way the National Guard would be kicking down doors taking peoples weapons by force.

"Alleged" philandering. Liberals are just trying to stir crap up as usual. Im not even a hard conservative, but this Jerry Springer level nonsense the left has been pulling ever since not winning the election is embarrassing to America as a whole. Shunning people who meet with and support the President and trying to shut down everyone and everything that opposes their way of thinking. The far left liberal is ruled by emotion and not by thought, just like a child.

Many try to say that assault is in the name when arguing this. The AR in AR-15 doesn't stand for assault rifle, it stands for ArmaLite Rifle after the company it was developed by.

The only thing that makes it more dangerous is magazine capacity which could easily be controlled. I own an AR-15 myself and it is very fun to take to the range. People are over obsessed about the image. Even Soldiers and Marines are taught to leave the 3 round burst switch alone on the M16 and M4 bc they teach accuracy over wasting ammo. It is not a weapon that was intended for mass spraying. It is moderately useful at close range, very effective at mid range, and can still pull off fairly accurate shots at long ranges. I do believe that safety courses should be required for any new weapons purchase however. Having been in the military I do notice the differences in how "some" civilians and former military practice gun safety and these civilians could use some training and guidance. In the military you earn your right to wield this weapon through much practice, training, and safety instruction, civilians simply buy it.

0 points

Yeah, if you pick the right major in college. Go any other route then no not really. Skilled labor is no longer valued. Sitting at a computer trying to make 4 hours of work stretch 8 hours on some days can land you the jackpot and your boss doing even less in many cases makes buckets more than you do and probably has other people doing his work. If this offends then go work a 12 hour outdoor labor or skilled labor day for 1/3 or less pay and say you aren't clinging to that degree or Microsoft Office training like a life raft and if you do happen to like the work you wont do it for that pay. Your not alone, no one wants those jobs anymore unless they just love labor which thankfully some do otherwise you would have to wait a week just for an oil change. And all labor comes with the title "Too dumb for school" nowdays even though some simply didn't want to sit on their ass for another 4 yrs or more. Over half of those college courses you went into debt for to get that piece of paper that says you qualify for more money will never be used at work. Also good luck with all the entry level jobs requiring a degree and experience. Bet someone out there will give you crap pay just so you can get that experience after busting your ass in classes for 4 years and being more than capable of doing the job without experience. Same for skilled labor, skill needed, skill specific training not offered, 3 to 5 months to finally find someone instead of training someone who already has skills in that field and getting someone right away. Most skilled laborors are considered middle class but live worse than lower class once the government assistance kicks in because middle doesn't qualify. If your lower class the world of benefits is yours nowdays but your still not living great but hey you may not even have to work. Also less than 1% of the population accounts for almost half of the countries combined income. Still fuckin love my U.S. of A till death though.

Damn dude write a book, at least you will get payed for all the typing :p

White people do take them seriously. Many try to understand and empathize with their struggles as best they can. The problem is that they have been given many opportunities by the government to try an help them join the ranks as successful Americans as a whole and it hasn't had an overwhelming effect yet. Many other cultures and races have dealt with racism and hate but eventually they pull out of it and rise above it. Someone that lost both legs and you know that they are hurting and in pain and have a hard life. If they complain and cry about it enough eventually it will get old listening to it even though you know its hard for them. Black ppl have an opportunity to be better than white ppl bc many of them do have to struggle more to succeed but not a very high percentage have risen to that. Many prefer to simply complain that racism holds them back and thats where a majority of the modern day racism comes from. Ignore the hate, work hard, learn a skill or go to school, stay out of trouble and I promise you, no one will have any legetimate power to hold you back. Sorry if this offends but it is what I believe.

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