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RSS Chrislewis21

Reward Points:19
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6 most recent arguments.

My problem with marriage is this; First it is against our "biological hardwiring". All animals (including humans) have three most basic instincts:Survive, Eat, Reproduce. Anthropologists believe that the first humans didn't share a single mating partner, but instead had several in order to reproduce for the strength of the group (which were nomadic). Secondly, it is unethnical. Why do you have to get married to spend the rest of your life with someone? Why can't your love for you parnter be the basis of a long-term relationship, instead of a paper certificate at the courthouse. Marriage is a binding legal contract between two individuals, and is extremely hard to break, aswell as expensive.

Marriage comes from religion. It was a union under god that, overtime, turned into tradition. Basically, people only did it because they felt it was morally right. Marriage is a sacred union between two people that should be taken very seriuosly, I agree to that, but from a logical point of view marriage is just a tax exemptoin.

2 points

Anthropology is the study of man. Science is the study of nature, the world around us, and the laws that govern them.

4 points

I would say that science explains the world a little better than than the bible does. Now I know that that may be a matter of opinion, but I'm sure that most rational people would agree.

2 points

You have no evidence to back that up. This is a debate. Your opinion is not what's important here.

8 points

First, not once did I mention that the Universe is infinite. I did not even imply that. Einestein claims that the universe is constantly expanding, but that it has boundries. Secondly, if you are to imply that the Universe isn't imense, just becuase you haven't seen then I have a questions for you;

1.By your own logic, Why believe in a God you can't see, or hear?

10 points

In any debate it is important to assert the facts. Facts are the basic support structure of any argument, and anybody with common sense would agree. So let's examine the facts;

*The defintion of FACT; an idea that is true becuase of circumstantial evidence to support it.

This is something that many "mythologists" fail to understand. There IS evidence that Jesus was real. But, evidence that he was God/Part Of God amounts to nothing more than folklore and stories. Christians take their faith on the bible. Definition of FAITH; to believe in something without circumstantial evidence to support it. Here is another fact; The bible was not only written decades after Jesus, but was edited and re-written numerously. Books were added and removed, translated and re-translated since it was written almost 2,000 years ago.

Christianity's main argument for the existence of God is the bible. So theoretically, if a single part of the bible is proved untrue then the thread of Judea religion is torn apart right? The bible was written (and re-written) so that there is no way to prove it wrong. Kinda like a horiscope right? Science is absolute fact. It is based on the PROVEN laws of nature. It is based on humanity's need to know the truth of the world around us. Christians believe that becuase we can't explain the creation of the universe, God must have done it. Most people can't possibly fathom the imensity of the unviverse so to assume that there is a creator who conjured up the whole of it is preposterous. FACT; Creation of the Universe (The Big Bang)

is only a theory, and not accepted as a proven law. So to use something that is still as of yet, unexplainable, to "prove" the existence of God is actually more damaging to your argument than anything.

Now it is time for opinions:

People are afraid of the unknown. Since the beginning of mankind people have had gods and folklore to explain the unknown. As science developed, gods became obsolete and purely fantasy. The modern Christian is just a product of an earlier ancester. People cannot accept the fact that death may possibly be permanent and final. They cannot accept that life is just a random universal evolution. People want to be comforted by the fact that there is someone there to guide and nurture them. The real miracle is life itself and your time in consious existance should be considered the most valuable gift of all. Life is precisiuos, enjoy it. Accept that we are infitesminally small and only amount to anything as a whole. Life is a wonderful beautiful thing that should be chersish accordingly.

Please note: I am not trying to shove my beliefs down anyone's throat. This is just my argument as an intelligent person. I think Christians have a wonderful moral basis (for the most part) and that everyone has the right to live and believe in what you will.

Tied Positions: No vs. Yes

About Me

"Common Sense"

Biographical Information
Name: Christopher Lewis
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Religion: Atheist
Education: High School

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