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RSS Cloverclaw

Reward Points:1
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1 point

It was just their time, the elderly and sick who died. God gave us free will and a Bible, basically, to do with as we please. Every choice we make influences everyone else's life and their own choices, sort of like the butterfly effect. He's giving us independence from him. It is our own choice to become whatever religion, our choices (for the most part) dictate our lives. Life is unfair because of choices that other people made. You were born to abusive parents? Maybe if your father's parents had decided to move, he would've never met your mom and you wouldn't have been born. Born to rich parents and live a happy life? Imagine if a car had hit the ambulance your mother was in as she was in labor with you, because the driver was drunk. Things that seem small to other people can have massive impacts on the lives of others, and this is because of free will. God gave Adam and Eve a lovely garden to live in, the weather was great, plenty of food, and just one rule: do not eat this one type of fruit. Satan jumps in on the scene, barely puts any effort or time into it, and beguiles Eve into eating the fruit and sharing it with Adam. Imagine, if Eve had just said that she wasn't hungry, what a better place the world would be? Free will was God's gift, it's Satan's meddling that made it and its results a curse upon us.

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