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RSS Coliphant

Reward Points:1
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1 point

The use of the tunneling system assisted the success in the capture of Vimy Ridge. Vimy ridge was ridge that stretched up to 8 km long from the base of the ridge to the crest. The Germans had fortified themselves strongly at the crest of the ridge, thus making it easy to view attackers and defend against. Tunnels made Vimy ridge a possible success because of the following contributing outcomes, such as the available outcome to move goods, machines, troops and other necessary materials underground. The tunnels offered protection from the prying eyes of the Germans. Due to the Germans heavy fortifications, a successful attack would need to prove as a surprise. The tunnels offered this advantage. The tunnels were engineered by professionals, thus making them as safe as possible given the circumstances. The tunnels dug allowed equipment and people to be transported swiftly, with less risk of destruction from the opposition army, and without the knowledge of the Germans.

The entire network of tunnels contributed to the capture of Vimy ridge because, aside from move large numbers of troops and supplies though main tunnels, there were also several connecting network tunnels, some dug into the land and filled with explosives, which were then blown up to damage enemy trenches or cast craters into no-mans land. ( this could also lead less confidence in crossing no mans land; not knowing what is beneath you.)

The tunnels also were able to sneak troops up to enemy lines during siege, due to them being dug, and then broken through to the above ground for the zero hour. This allowed surprise to fall on the Germans, and better transportation for supplies and the wounded. Infantry assault suffered far less casualties because of the use of the tunneling system. The underground tunnel network in turn, overall contributed to the victory of the Germans over of Vimy ridge.

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