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Reward Points:48
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10 most recent arguments.
0 points

They just are the best. Anyone from the East has to be the best.

5 points

Well this is a hard one because I wouldn't want to pay $15 dollars to have a bag checked yet at the same time how much are they going to raise the ticket prices to compensate for the gas hike? So it is kinda six of one half a dozen another.

4 points

Of course it does. Anything that takes your complete concentration from the road is dangerous. I don't know of anyone who can talk on the cell phone and not get distracted at least once or twice within a conversation. This slight distraction can be the difference between noticing the car beside you or hitting them.

I know for myself even trying to see the radio station when I am changing it causes a distraction so a cell phone is worse we tend to be a little more dramatic and animated when we talk on the phone.

So yes it does impair driving ability.

-1 points

And you really believe the fetus suffers? What real proof do you have? Did your mother abort you and you suffered? You are making assumptions.

Granted there is a life in there and it is a cell and then more cells but to state it "suffers" is ludicrus.

Well if it is a case of convenience then for all those teens, unwed mothers, crack heads, and abused women then I do believe they should have the child and give it to you to care for. Most of the time the women who are having abortions know they are not able to raise a child correctly, so you theory says we should not let them "kill" it but, force them to raise a child they know they can't raise properly then blame them for the child going down the wrong path maybe even killing your child, or family member?

You have to remember there is a variety of ways to look at a situation. There is almost no single easy answer for why things are done.

0 points

I think you should have asked the question to the author who he considers to be the ones determining right and wrong.

You are making assumptions and that is not a good thing.

0 points

What makes it morally wrong or right?

Who decides if it is morally wrong or right? If it is us other humans then we need to be sure we do nothing I mean NOTHING morally wrong before we can judge.

1 point

Wow that is an old fall back excuse.

How can you be over qualified and not hired yet not be hired because you are a disabled vet?

What makes you disabled?

2 points

I don't believe they should be taught in school I believe they should be taught at home. The parents of a teen child should take the responsibility to teach their kids about sex and the many consequences involved. That will resolve all the problems we have with blaming someone else for our teen pregnancy problem. It is so easy to say well they didn't teach my teen all that in school when it shouldn't even be the schools responsibility. Parents need to get back to being parents not just baby factories.

Abstinence is a good idea but it is not that easy and in fact what happens when you find yourself older and not finding any one? The experience if it arises when younger with responsibility should be available. If the child is explained the pros and cons and the consequences of sex then I do believe they will be responsible enough to make the right decision. I also that is easier to do when you hear it from your parents rather than a teacher.

In school it is just another class just like math and English. How well do we pay attention in those classes? A parent is one on one and it is a great bonding experience.

1 point

First off suicide is not illegal. Assisted suicide is but not the act or the completion of suicide.

If someone is in severe pain or has a terminal illness and does not wish to continue life to the point where it will get real bad then assisted suicide is fine. You want to savor the good life you have before you died, not the life of pain or hooked to machines or sick all the time.

I don't believe it should be used for someone who is just fed up with life or has had a bad life or just can't find any other way to handle their problems.

3 points

I would say no one knows. God says there is a heaven and if you believe God then you can have that idea. But we really don't know.

Displaying 3 most recent debates.

Winning Position: No Way it is wrong

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