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RSS Csiegrist

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

If each state acts like its own country, there will be no end to internal wars and trade halts in our own country. We need a powerful central government that can regulate trade between states (using a single country-wide currency) and the ability to settle disputes between these states. With a branch to interpret laws, there will be less conflict between our states. Also, a nationally-funded military will defend us against other countries that may try to destroy us.

2 points

Yes, the states have their own armies. However, these armies will be highly ineffective. Imagine if a powerful country like Britain attacks your state: their army would completely overpower that of a single small state! We need a central government to tax the people and fund a large central army.

2 points

It is true that we were founded on hard, honest work. However, this work will reward us only with things we currently have available. If we extend our reach and trade with other countries, we can use our farming and agriculture as a means to trade with the outside world. A self-sufficient country is necessary, but there is too much discontent with our Articles. A Constitution will be necessary for us to continue growing and keep a stable country with a stable economy.

3 points

After the chaos caused by the Articles of Confederation, it is clear that our country needs a system to keep the government in check. With three distinct branches that equally control each other's power, our country will be more supported and more well-equipped to trade with the outside world.

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