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RSS Curtix

Reward Points:41
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10 most recent arguments.
0 points

yes but many guilty people get away with their crime, so that balances out with the innocents that are found guilty.

2 points

I think this is a poll, so I'm going to place my vote for what I am (liberal is shit) rather than guess or make an argument for what createdebate is comprised of.

1 point

In my religion we have a book (we call our bible) and it says that all scriptures from Leviticus are complete BS.

Who's bible do we believe?

0 points

Yes. I believe that any crime deserves the death penalty.

Reasons? if someone commits any crime, then they are a criminal by definition and should die.

Also, if we started using capital punishment for all crimes, it would help with over population.

2 points

As a member of the youtube community, I for one am happy to see him "leave."

1 point

If you are going to look at the purpose of life on a physical level, then life has no purpose. Even the desire to reproduce is just chemical reactions in our brains and nervous systems. I think stephen hawking refers to humans as "chemical scum on an insignificant planet circling an insignificant star in an insignificant galaxy" or something like that.

If you are talking about the purpose of life from our point of view (I think therefore I am), then the purpose of life is to be determined by us. You can't consider reproduction to be the purpose of life in this realm because it just one of the many chemical reactions that bonds our realm of existence to the physical world.

5 points

Maybe we should teach people to be tolerant but why would we offer specific religions and propagate lies even as an elective? I want to advance towards flying cars not regress into the dark ages.

Why would we offer "Geography Circa 500 BC" and allow teachers to explain how the earth is flat?

Furthermore, the fact that this question is for Christianity specifically punctuates the fact that it is absurd. "Should the one true religion be taught in schools?" is not a valid question. Assuming that Christianity is any more valid that any other religion is far less acceptable than my assuming that no religion is valid.

1 point

We are all animals and should eat each other, preferably with bacon.

Also, most animals have not accepted jesus christ as their saviour and therefore will not be going to heaven so their life here on earth is inconsequential. Once they die, all of the "pain and suffering" (chemical reactions between cells) they experience will no longer exist so in the long run who cares?

Unless you are talking about whether or not they should be allowed to vote, in which case I ask have you not read animal farm?

2 points

Yeah I think you are right, Adobe has such a strong hold that the only way the other guys will be able to compete is to stop pushing projects like silverlight and javaFX and work together to replace flash with something more open. Instead of flash winning a free for all, it will be the world vs flash.

1 point

Maybe its recursive, and the strings are made up of billions of universes.

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