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RSS Dandebates

Reward Points:11
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

"Stuck in the middle of a bubble of stupid"

Wow. Never seen this before...(Sarcasm for liberals that may not understand) A leftist that can't state any facts and resorts to name calling instead of admitting they are wrong and cannot actually have a reasonable debate.

dandebates(11) Clarified
1 point

Sorry for the double post.. accidentally posted it twice because I thought it got deleted somehow.

dandebates(11) Clarified
1 point

Well the truth is that five out the seven countries that Trump is banning immigrants from coming into the U.S from, were routinely bombed by the left's "legendary" President Obama. So when you say the war on terror and how it is the cause for all the refugees, you should probably rethink your argument on that. By the way, these countries are Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia.

1 point

Is child pornography not illegal and banned from the internet already? That argument would make sense if it was all over the internet like real pornography but it's clearly not.

2 points

There are only two genders, Male and Female. You are not allowed to just get up and decide what you feel like being from then on out. As Ben Shapiro stated in one of his speeches, if you cannot choose what age you are, then why would you be able to decide what gender you are?

1 point

Moral or immoral, if we are going with the situation of a burglar entering your home, it is self defense. You are defending your property and you have the right to do so thanks to the founding fathers and a little document called the constitution. If that burglar is stupid/brave enough to enter your home or business, armed or unarmed, they should know that one consequence could be getting a bullet sized hole in their back while they attempt to flee the scene.

1 point

The idea that the internet should be censored and that we should be banning materials for all or even some people is simply unethical and un-American. To begin, the first amendment is all we need to look at in terms of if we should be able to regulate what people say. If we change the freedom of the internet, we will need to take out the first, and one of the most important rights that all Americans are entitled to. Secondly, the question stands about who would decide on what is inappropriate enough to be censored? The media is already biased enough and if we allow the government to take control of what citizens can say on the web, than what platform would remain for the people to spread their opinions openly and without fear of backlash?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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