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RSS Dano

Reward Points:1
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1 point

I'm not sure arresting would be appropriate, it isn't going to help anyone, however by the same token, you are obviously immature and have no grasp on the consequences of your actions. This is why ages were set for consent. If your minor girl friend gets pregnant, are you willing to marry her, and without a high school education supporting her and the baby is going to be tough. Your job qualifications are manual labor, the cost of having a baby easily exceeds $5000 these days. Most areas of the country rent exceeds $600/month, not to mention utilities, etc., etc. Many grown up and responsible adults are struggling to meet their needs, even some of those with an education. If you are willing to marry her, then get approval from both parents, yours and hers and marry the girl, then you are not doing anything illegal. Let's ask you a question, if you were to get married and the girl you were marrying refused to have sex until marriage, would you trust her more or less than a girl who wanted to hit the sack with you on the first date? If the answer you give is the same as or less, then you obviously have some growing up to do. Your actions have consequences that you have obviously not thought through. If you do indeed have sex out of marriage, especially as a minor still in school, (assuming you have not dropped out), then your immaturity is obvious and is exactly why you should not be having sex, and you are the reason why an age of consent is in place, and some people are not mature even at the age of 18, 25, even 35, but most at these ages have graduated and will live with the consequences of their actions, but at least they can get a job and try to support their decisions.

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