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RSS Daveim21

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

An El Chupacabre, or Goat Sucker, was killed in a car accident a while ago.

2 points

I have two points. First: The question did not specify a chicken egg. Prehistoric fish, ones that existed before land animals, probably laid eggs like modern fish. And even if they didn't, you have amphibians, reptiles, insects, and dinosaurs to think about before birds came along.

Second, if it did mean chicken eggs, the process of evolution would have made the egg come first. Evolution works this way: if a mutation appeared that made the animal more successful, it would probably survive to produce many, many little animals with either the same mutation or heterzygous for a recessive trait. When these animals produce little animals, they will have the mutation. And they'll succeed too, and the process repeats. Well, the first modern chicken must have come from two parents who were heterozygous for the last recessive trait, or else they would be the first chickens. And a chicken is an eggs before it is a chicken. Therefore, the egg before the chicken.

1 point

If we were to colonize another spacial object, it should be Mars. If anything happened to the Earth, the Moon would be ruined too. And all that effort to make an artificial atmosphere and start a working colony... it would be much more efficient if we turned to Mars.

1 point

It may seem to make sense for human life to begin after the baby leaves the womb, for it is then that he/she and it's mother are seperate entities. However, there are no nerve receptors in the umbilical cord, and therefore almost certainly no nerves, so the mother's body is not controlling the baby's body by sending nerve signals from the brain.

3 points

That sounds hyppocritical, vicious, and primitive. You people should stop making assumptions that just because we can go to private school we have our lives planned out for us at age 3.

3 points

Not all private schools have a strict dress code. Just some of the more well known, larger ones. And there is no religious fanatacism at the school I go to. We have school off on all christian, muslin, hindu, and jesuit holidays, and nobody is fired if they say "thank god".

1 point

Gasoline and the vapors it emits is a highly volatile chemical. Hydrogen would not likely be sold as fuel, rather water for electrolysis inside the vehicle.

1 point

A very expensive process? All you need to do is to run an electric current through water. The only expense is the electric bill. Steam reforming can be eco-friendlier if the methane is in the form of compressed natural gas from a landfill.

1 point

The hoax argument gives no evidence to support its thesis. I might as well say that electric cars are a hoax, to funnel money towards the automobile makers. But I have no evidence, so I won't.

1 point

When Hydrogen is added to Oxygen, it explodes with the product being water. If this is the case, and engine can be developed that uses electrolysis to seperate water into hydrogen and oxygen, which explode and turn into more water for electrolysis. If this happens inside the piston chambers, like gasoline explosions in a gas engine, the result is an engine that never needs to be refueled and recycles it's byproduct.

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