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RSS Debatequeen7

Reward Points:24
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10 most recent arguments.

I think its OK to identify yourself as either gender , however i think it could go to far .For example people who say they have no gender , you surly have to identify as a gender if your filling in paper work and you put neither how are people meant to know what you look like and if your on the run and change genders you can say that's not me . There are so many problems involved with this.One day people with want to identify them self as a cat or a toaster or a plant pot where is the end to it .

there is a lot of hatred for gay people in the faith though as there is in the bible

to them they are freedom fighters

you also cant make the assumption that all of the middle east is like that

i grew up in the middle east and countries there do not allow terrorism

Abortion should not be banned , why should it ?

if a women were to be raped and she became pregnant because of this then why should she have to live with the reminder of this?

However if it is because of reasons such as they cant be bothered with looking after there child then abortion should not be allowed

Doctors have to agree with the abortion and reasons have to be provided and if the doctor doesn't see a need doesn't happen , which i agree with

If there was a federal law against it then yes of course. What a stupid question

why does anyone need to carry a weapon ?

what makes women more vulnerable than men ?

why shouldn't a man be allowed to carry a weapon but a women can ?

There is too much sugar and caffeine in energy drinks they shouldn't be sold to kids why do kids need energy drinks anyway ?

Muslims dont just blow themselves up . that is stupid to you Muslims may just be terrorists but to them they are freedom fighters .

debatequeen7(24) Clarified
1 point

exactly its ridiculous america could never own any of the middle east . it would be a disaster the economy would plummet because a lot of oil comes from the middle east anda change in ownership of land would mess up the market share price leaving the price to rapidly increase . america could never own the middle east

debatequeen7(24) Clarified
1 point

What is wrong with Muslims though . why shouldn't Muslims be allowed into america you cant just make the assumption that all Muslims are terrorist or freedom fighters

not just christian country's but mainly HICs (high income country's ) in general i think Muslims should have a rite to live where ever they like just as other faiths do just because they are Muslim it doesn't meen they are any less worthy of having opportunities in today's society . in country's like England there are allot more opportunities here compared to countries struggling with war .

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Winning Position: Deferentially not

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