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RSS Dlacarlile

Reward Points:1
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2 most recent arguments.
2 points

I have to disagree with you, first off planned parenthood is not in business to abort children, they are in the business of womens health. They are funded by title ten funding by the government, which if you look DOES not fund or approve abortion, it is solely for health care, and pp has to submit to audits to prove the funding is not being misused.

PP is a health clinic and that's the bottom line. and that is what most people forget

2 points

I am a young adult, currently writing a paper on this very topic. America would be better if we went " back to mayberry" and I would have to say that children respected and listened to parents better, most people worked for what they had, and thus appreciated it a lot more. also, most people had some level of connection with one another, you said hi to your neighbors and you helped a person in need if you could. people today don't care, unless it serves them. I'd say people "back in the day" were a lot better off, yes there were troubles. BUT people banded together and took care of the problems. yes things like health were not as good, BUT people made more out of the years they had. yes there was war, BUT there always will be. Yes there was more health issues, BUT again people could afford to have the dr come to your house and at least try! most people today cant afford a dr. And as far as food and such, it was better for you, because storage or not. food was grown and it was either eaten or traded for something a family needed. People respected their elders and took care of them, NOT like today where the send the "to the homes". personally I think it would be much better. and that's my take, and a part of my paper :)

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