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RSS Dmjosiah711

Reward Points:14
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

I have a few questions for all you evolutionist. Do you have any proof that evolution is real? Is it true that Dinosaur bones are millions of years old? How can a random event create a life that is too complex for us to understand. Why is it possible for our proteins to our cells together? What method do they use? How can you prove evolution without any solid evidence that is rock hard. How can you form a rock with nothing except a big explosion. I am totally sure that God made the universe.

6 points

Sonic is so awesome. The games of sonic are fast paced and really really cool. Mario's are super slow. ZZZZzzzzz. Sonic is the best and don't you forget it

3 points

tails is waaaaay smarter and braver than Luigi and tails doesn't cry when he faces danger

8 points

Sonic is the best his games are the fastest I ever saw. The graphics are sleek the gameplay is the best mario is just a fat little guy who jumps on stuff as if any fat guy can jump that high

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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