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RSS Ejndg

Reward Points:33
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1 point

obviously, the guy is joking. We can have sense of humor sometimes.

1 point

No for the following reasons:

1. (Quality) There is actually free health care in many countries. Problem is, people of those countries tend to favor privet hospitals over government ones due to quality of service issues. This include poor people because when you really need a hospital, you would rather pay than die.

2. (Knowledge Level) Doctors pay will decrease making the job less attractive for those smart and hard working doctors. Your grandsons will end up with a barber shop kind of doctors like in many developing countries.

3. (economy effect) Medical care is 1/6 of US economy. Government sponcered medical care will kill thousands of insurance companies and private practice clinics and hospitals.

I can think of many more reasons but gotta go to sleep now. So, i will be back if someone is interested.

1 point

Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

2 points

dumb and sexy is a good combination ;)

I would still think women of all types can look good if they dress well and put the right make up on.

3 points

The media shows that Islam is trying to wipe western culture off the map, but when you think about, it is the other way around. Look at the location of current wars and the high speculations around their motives and justifications.

Muslims are being even cretisized by the media for the way they dress, eat, and even the way they worship god.

The media at arab and Muslim countries are dominated by western culture shows and portrays everything against they way they live. So the war is clearly against muslim culture that was passed smoothly.

I have lived in Muslim countries most of my life and have never seen once any body that wants to bomb or think about terriresm positively.

I would love to see both cultures live in harmony like they did in Spain long ago. I would love to even see the three religions getting together as one unit anytime, but i don't think this time is near.

3 points

I agree that some of the verses in Quran are extreamly violent against infidels. However, Christians and Jews are not called infidels by Quran, they are called Ahlu Alkitab (the people of the book).

Read 5:69 "Indeed, those who have believed [in Prophet Muhammad] and those [before Him] who were Jews or Sabeans or Christians - those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness - no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve."

So the verses you read was against those who used to worship many gods in the arabian area at the time and they killed and tortured the first Muslims. They started wars against Muhammad in many areas and at diff times.

1 point

I am a Muslim, I follow no teacher, I critically read Quran and interpret what i want. We do not worship Muhammad even though we do not follow the 10 commandments. The 10 commandments is clearly an artificially man made list and if you go one by one you will find out that they all fall under 2 concepts (worship god alone, and honesty).

The first word in Quran is "read" and the second sentence is "learn".

1 point

What's bad about marijuana is that you have to burn it in order to get the best high. The burning part is what causes health problems less in danger than smoking tobacco.

Marijuana is totally healthy and science proved that the old crap used to be told on TV and newspaper is just not true. It does not produce violence (exactly the opposite), it does not kill brain cells at all, and it does not make you insane.

2 points

I think nobody has the right to hit anybody. This is to answer (can you).

But for the women out there, what if my wife started beating me out of madness or something, should i stand still, hit back, or run away?

1 point

Some countries average income per capita is less than a dollar a day. I think the price should be as low as possible not only for them, but for the whole world. We don't care about pharmaceutical companies flourishing on the expense of our health, they will still do make a lot of money if they sell their products half price here in America.

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