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RSS Farkar1

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

They are both the same because both concepts relate to Darwin's research. However are different because Darwinism is theory of biological evolution which started with Darwin and others are starting to participate. Social Darwinism is based on "survival of the fittest" and the lassize-faire economic system where the government should not interfere with the economy and community, and should allow competition.

1 point

I disagree because Darwin studied evolution and never mentioned genetics or survival of the fittest. Eugenics came because Dalton and other scientists were inspired by evolution. They later started seeing connections with his theory and Gregor Mendel's.

1 point

I think Darwin's concepts influenced society. The rise of industrial revolution came and new ideas started such as lassize-faire economics, which is the idea that the government shouldn't interfere with the economy it should be survival of the fittest which was thought from Darwin's research. Later on a scientist called Dalton came up with eugenics. Eugenics is a concept that people with the best traits could mate and those without would be exterminated or sterilized(surgicaly altered not to mate). Those people would be crippled, mentally ill, genetic disorders, poor and others. America took full grasp of it and made involuntary sterilization programs across the state and segregated immigration.

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