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RSS Gauss

Reward Points:2
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

"No it was the perfect healthcare program"

No body EVER said that.

"Wanting a fully implemented Obamacare is government run healthcare"

We are the ONLY modern Nation that doesn't have "government run healthcare".

"we know the politicians in DC know the healthcare needs of all Americans."

They might not know the "healthcare needs of all Americans", but neither do traditional insurance companies or healthcare providers. That's why healthcare is and should be designed so that it is flexible enough to meet the varying needs of Americans. Which, as other nations have proven, is well within the realm of government.

2 points

He couldn't play a dead president in an old west movie. He's way out of his depth trying to play President of These United States.

1 point

I vote yes, especially the evangelical right. My argument has always been; life is sacred to them right up until the child is born, after that mother and child can eat $hit and die. They have no qualms about forcing a young mother to full term but obstruct any social safety net that would help them.

1 point

Trump won because of 70,000 votes (total) in three key states. Most people, in post election exit polls, thought he was unqualified, lacked the proper disposition and temperament and was totally unprepared to be President. He lost the popular vote buy one of the largest margins in recent history.

MAYBE you could have ran a chimpanzee and beat Mrs. Clinton, after all she was the most maligned presidential candidate ... ever. Don't think that djt's victory is a indication that the Left is that far gone. OR, go ahead ... please!

2 points

I don't think that Obamacare can be called "one of the greatest designed failures in American History". It certainly has faults, but has never been fully implemented as "designed" due to obstruction by the right and that obstruction extended to blocking ANY necessary tweaks than would be normal in ANYTHING so complicated.

2 points

This post is pure propaganda. It uses nonsensical extremes (a million dollars in a too heavy bag) to support the unsupportable argument that "Libs" will complain no matter what. Then goes on to make the unprovable claim that the left, in general, is sitting around with imagined arguments that exist only in the authors mind. Anyone that's studied propaganda techniques recognizes this post as nothing more than text book propaganda.

The last sentence is a patent example of propaganda. "A Lib"; he starts out by calling a whole class of people the demeaning contraction of Liberal. Then takes the high ground of being the adult and calls the Liberal an annoying child; I guess they are annoying for unproven slander, intimidation, shaming, etc., etc. And substantiates this by slipping in his "supposed medal of honor" by waving it like a child's teeter totter. And he can't even spell riddance. In any case he uses a lot of words to say "Libs bad me good".

1 point

We don't currently have a first "LADY", Melania is no lady. I hate to beat up on her, being married to djt she's to be pitied. But all the money in the world won't make up for her past. We've never had a centerfold as a Presidents wife before. So what do you call her the (very) first tramp?

Gauss has not yet created any debates.

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Fredrick Gauss
Gender: Male
Age: 0
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States

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