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RSS Geekgroupie

Reward Points:31
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Blue Bell sux. Haagen Daz, Ben and Jerry 's and my fav: Breyers Ice cream.

1 point

you may want to follow Michio Kaku. I don't do existential woo stuff.

1 point

IMO, atheist who argue against theists should know alittle science before posting a Too Stupid meme.

1 point

That's not the point. Atheists who argue theists and use critical thinking and logic should be able to hang on to their reasoning when out of the arena of religion. I find many don't.

1 point

All I have to do is say, "String theory is a fairy tale" and the fb atheists that respond to me go nuts. It seems the incessant demand for evidence in the arena of religion doesn't carry over to some physics stories promoted by the media. By the logic of some of my atheist opponents, I could POOF a multiverse into the logic. Maths is not evidence of maths. That's circular logic

2 points

It's not the doctor's position to reveal it to the public. There are protocols in place to investigate. There is a marketing/media department that handles issues. It would be unethical for an observed trend to be reported without applying critical thinking and epidemiological methodology to a circumstance. Question fails.

1 point

they have to act like they don't want to be caught staring. It gets creepy.

1 point

Perhaps an If By whiskey argument. If by purpose you mean, contributing to the community , then yes. Discover your gift. Give it away. IMO, if you have to ask, then no.

1 point

objective purpose: eat, drink, be merry and pain free. Survive.

1 point

objective purpose: eat, drink, be merry and pain free. Survive.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Too Stupid For Science? Try Religion

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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