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RSS Gillygillian

Reward Points:4
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

I would rather control water - you can manipulate it to become solids like ice, or evaporate to become water vapour in the air so you can 'fly'! And you can control water in living things or solids, if applicable, and then you can lift things up too! Whoo.

1 point

1) Good topic sentence, although stylistically wise you can improve it by breaking the sentence up to make it more easier to read because now it may come across as slightly confusing :)

2) Your examples were relevant but you could have brought up an example to support your point on countering economic issues? However your examples were well elaborated and supported.

3) It was good that you brought your argument back to Singapore's context! :)

1 point

1) You could have been more careful with your use of English, eg capitalization and apostrophes. Also your sentences are quite jerky and the paragraph didn't really flow very well.

2) However the elaboration of the example is good because it was well elaborated :)

3) Your topic sentence can be better though. Perhaps you can add in why the study of environmental disasters in the past would be beneficial? Be more in depth and try to be less general.

1 point

1) Evidence is relevant but you could have supported your points with more relevant information from Ireland, or maybe even other sources :)

2) Elaboration of evidence is sufficient and relevant.

3) I think some of your sentences are rather long. Maybe you could have broken it up or put commas?

1 point

This argument is good because:

1) There is a clear topic sentence which includes the main topic and the side which the writer is taking. Once we read the topic sentence, we would know what the writer is trying to say.

2) The examples are relevant and well backed up.

3) Examples are well elaborated on and links back to the question.

2 points

Harry Potter is better than the Twilight Saga because J.K Rowling created an entirely new magical world, while Stephenie Meyers created vampires which sparkle in the light. J.K Rowling would obviously deserve more praise because she created a world of magical spells, rules, Ministries, schools, items and everything else related to magic out from pure nothingness.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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