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RSS Gluething000

Reward Points:3
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4 most recent arguments.
2 points

It should be. The only real reason people have to not support gay marriage is because of their religious beliefs. But aren't we supposed to keep religion and government separate? Based on the constitution, gay marriage should be legal in all states. The fact that it's not just shows that political figures are imposing their personal beliefs on the population.

1 point

How exciting! I wish it would happen three days sooner, though. That way I wouldn't have to take finals!

1 point

At first it sounds like a good idea, but it couldn't work.

First of all, banning unprotected sex sounds like a great idea, especially with teen pregnancies being high. But if all teenagers were on birth control and not allowed to raise a child because it's the law, that would completely take away the fear of ending up with a baby... what do you think would happen then? Teens (and other adults) would have one less reason to take part in abstinence, which would likely spread STD's like wildfire.

Also, what if the birth control failed? What would happen if someone ended up pregnant without a license? That would probably mean forced abortion or forced adoption.

There is also the question: Who decides if someone deserves to raise a child or not? There's obvious qualifications like age, mental stability, and maybe a violent record check (to see if parental abuse would be likely). But some of the arguments I read were about stopping the reproduction of idiots. As much as I LOVE that idea, can we really deny someone the right to have a child based on their IQ level? On that note, who gets to decide on whether someone is worthy to be a parent or not? There could be a test, but who makes that test? There is really no "right" way to raise a child. Sure, there are accepted practices and not-so-popular ones, but all in all, parenting is a tough job and there will be mistakes made no matter how qualified one is.

Reproducing is an instinctive, basic human right. Having the government regulate who gets to have children and who doesn't is absolutely ridiculous.

2 points

I think religious people are not represented in the best light. What people see on the news: Westboro Baptist Church and Muslim terrorists. Religious people aren't typically filled with so much hate. I don't know much about Islam or Judiasm, but I know that the Bible teaches us to be tolerant of others and to love everyone, as we are all God's children no matter what. So, those people that are 'gay bashers' and say that God hates people who don't follow him and things like that, aren't really following Christianity. Sure, they are using it as an excuse to hate people, but that's not really what religion is all about.

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