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RSS Gunny

Reward Points:1
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2 points

It is a evolution fact, that human survived on compelet vegetarian diet. Are appendix soul purpose was for us to digest tree leafs and bark. Humans do not need meat to live, meat has always been a choice and always will. Becuase of humans now intakeing alot of meat, the amount of heath problems, like hemochromatosis, birth deffects and salmonella. are becomeing a hazard. Alot people think their above animals, considering themselves a non animal, manily because of religion. What people have to accept that humans are animals, but what spearates us is only differences. We would find it abomination if people eat other people. But were animals and some animals need to eat other animals to surive that they nature is and it will always be. But in humans case we have put more than a hundered speices of animal indanger of being exstinct. Nautres food chain is meant to keep every speices alive. If there is to many preditors, the lack of food cause starvation and the population decrases while in return the lower on the food chain get re-populated. And when they get to over populated there is more food for higher rakes in food chain so there popultion increase. This is a perfect system of life, but snice humans have use tools and technology we have thrown the system out of wack and, as long as the human population grows the geater the numbers of other animals will decrase intell theres nothing left. It goes same with trees, if humans keep exspanding there will be no green left. Meat is murder people face the turth. And what happens in slaughter houses is unacceptable. If we humans wish to die a peacful death so do animals. Its a proven fact that wild animals will kill the animal the fastest way possible to the best of there ability. We human can make animals die a pecaeful death, but we shouldnt be killing in the first place. We don't need meat to survive, its a choice, a choice of murder, a choice ignorance, a choice stupidity, a choice of hatetred.

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