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RSS Holomanga

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Whilst not my personal opinion, I thought I might offer an alternate opinion to the other answers that have been made. Often religion conveys some good morals (if you pick and choose, which I assume any sensible state would), and morality is the building block of a healthy nation.

1 point

I never thought of it this way, but come to think of it you seem very reasonable. Death is defined by when the brain stops working, so it makes perfect sense for life to be defined by when the brain starts working.

1 point

Actually, though the life doesn't end (reincarnation or whatever Buddhist believes happens after someone is shot through the brain), their family won't see the person for many, many years, and this would clearly cause some distress.

I'm not really agreeing with his position of life never starts or ends, but some info about what could be derived from his opinions always helps.

1 point

On the other hand, mob justice can be a powerful tool for evil if the mob is misinformed. I recall an article somewhere claiming a pediatrician was attacked because they were confused with pedophile by a badly informed group of people.

1 point

I think it is. Not because it's too close to homosexual and heterosexual, but because technically it should mean "lover of children"; that is, somebody who cares for the well-being of children - a property that many pedophiles do not have.

1 point

Many people are either too invested in their own religious beliefs or don't think that Buddhism can be true. There are also a group of people who haven't yet heard enough of Buddhism. These people may or may not convert to Buddhism, which is why it's so fast-growing. There are also yet another group of people who are Buddhist, but are not allowed to publicly say this due to laws.

2 points

Semantics goes beyond the scope of the question. I'm pretty sure that the creator was referring to parturition. This would make your biological fact actually go against this claim.

1 point

Actually, we do need a bullshit stamp of approval. Otherwise, the two people can't be considered to be family, which leads to massive problems such as not being able to visit someone you love in hospital because you don't have a bullshit stamp.

1 point

I don't see how people are against straight marriage. If you disagree with it, we better give equal rights to everyone, so we'll also outlaw gay marriage.

1 point

They don't think that water is dry. They think that water is (not wet). There's a big difference - one that you should know.

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