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RSS Jagriti

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

In my opinion, the students should not be allowed to bring mobiles to school as it will distract them a great deal from their studies. Also, it will disturb their teachers and other people around them. It will not only cause indiscipline but also indifference. If the students are allowed to bring mobiles to school, they will lose their interest in their surroundings and the only thing they will be interested in would be to show and tell others about their mobiles which is not at all good for the unity and equality of students as some of them will feel inferior to others who could bring latest and expensive mobiles to school. This will create a rich-poor and inferior –superior kind of atmosphere in school.

Moreover, mobile phones are not good for our health as the excessive use of these can cause headache, dizziness and even cancer. So, in a place like school where people of all age groups are present, allowing mobile phones cannot be considered as a wise step.

1 point

the number of women politicians in a country has always been much less than their male counterparts whether the country is India,USA or any other country in the is said that politics is very much like a war and one should be tough enough to face the challenges of a war but women are considered as the soft part of the society.They get influenced soon and usually depend on their family and friends for making decisions.Women are also more theoretical than practical, which again adds to their negative points as in politics one has to be more practical and logical.Women also face more emotional barriers than men and are more inclined to mercy.

Travelling is also an important aspect of politics and a politician has to travel a lot whether for one's campaign or any other work.But women usually cannot travel all by themselves with regard to their personal safety and their responsibilities towards their family.Moreover, men are better than women in policy matters like dealing with crime,public safety,national security and defence.Men are also more decisive than women and decisiveness is one of the most important traits of leadership.But the real thing which makes men better politicians is that it is the norm,they don't have to fight to be taken seriously unlike women who have to constantly prove themselves above or equal to their male colleagues. So,it's quite obvious that women do not make better politicians than men.

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