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RSS Jakedubreuil

Reward Points:2
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree with you that the Chesapeake did make a big economic impact because that was honestly the first reason for coming to America in the first place and then religious freedom was second. Anyways, I’m going to have to disagree with the rest of your statement. The Chesapeake colonies did make a lasting impact on government. Virginia’s House of Burgesses and House of Lords is a model for today’s House of Representatives and Senate and also Georgia was the first colony to try to prevent slavery. Everything was stable in the Chesapeake colonies too at least much more than the New England colonies because everybody in the Chesapeake colonies minded pretty much their own business. The New England colonies also had to face about the same amount of problems as the Chesapeake colonies: Indian warfare, disease, poverty, government/power struggles, English rule, and especially religious discrimination. Also the New England colonies could not have survived on their own without the help of the agricultural Chesapeake colonies.

1 point

Although lots of New Englanders were Puritans it still does not deny the fact that there was conflict with the Anglican Catholics and not to mention the Quakers who were harshly discriminated against to the point of physical abuse. Also the Chesapeake people did have a sense of community but it was just broader since they owned lots of land and lived far from each other. The Chesapeake people were also not just focused on making money; they had families too and also wanted to make a better life for themselves. You have to remember that most people that came to America after Jamestown were not wealthy they were usually poor trying to make a better life therefore they wanted to make money off of having big plantations.

1 point

The Chesapeake Colonies were also more successful than the New England colonies because they supported broad agriculture through the highly successful plantation system. The Chesapeake colonies also did not have to deal as much with religious discrimination such as the discrimination against Quakers in Boston. The New England Colonies were also places for common religious conflict.

0 points

I think that the Chesapeake colonies were most successful. I think this because Virginia was the first colony and opened the door for all the other English colonies. Also many colonists were drawn to the Chesapeake colonies because of its successful tobacco industry, especially Virginia. The Carolinas were also very successful because of their sugar relations with Indians from Barbados. Georgia was also very successful because it had a valuable silk and wine industry. Georgia was also a haven for people in debt and also tried at first to keep slavery out of Georgia. In the Chesapeake colonies there was also religious toleration for Protestants.

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