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RSS Jeffersonia

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1 point

I am a sixteen year old boy, and for the past year and a half (since I turned 15) I've been determined that when I graduate high school and turn eighteen, I will pack up, move to California, and star in gay porn. I love porn. I love that it's all about instinct and that it's different for everybody. I love beautiful, young, plastic bodies and I love old, dilapidated, worn out bodies. I love kink and I love fluff. I love hardcore, and I love softcore. I love that certain porn can make one person vomit, and get another person off. I love the entire culture of pornography, period.

I am so set on this goal of mine, in fact, that three months ago I got my first job JUST so I could start putting away money for my initial move.

Having said that, I am opposed to lowering the age for appearing in porn to 16. I am around hundreds of sixteen-year-olds each day, and I can tell you point blank that hardly any of them would think twice, or probably even once, before doing porn if they knew what kind of money they could get. They are complete idiots, barely knowing how to use their American-education-scarred brains. They would get taken advantage of in porn to the extreme, and then, because they're so ridiculously hormonal and emotionally charged, would probably kill themselves because of it. It makes me think of that whole 20/20 special with Belladonna and her depression and whatnot.

16-year-olds, for the most part, are not capable of making the decision to be in porn, because to make that decision you have to really understand porn. Most 18-year-olds as well, and for that matter 21-year-olds or even 30-year-olds are not equipped with the knowledge, understanding of, and true desire to be a part of the adult industry.

But restricting the age any higher than 18 would be stupid. When you're 18, you're an adult, and you should legally be allowed to fuck up your life in whatever way you see (or for that matter don't see) fit. You're on your own! Good luck. It's the same reason that prostitution and drugs should be legal, but those are separate issues, and I'm sure there are already plenty of debates for them.

Oh, and by the way, it's more than just girls who get taken advantage of in porn. Young, 18-year-old guys can get coerced into taking two dicks in the exact same way girls can. In porn, we're all vulnerable and on display, whether we have a penis, a vagina, neither, or both. Teenage girls aren't any more stupid than teenage boys, and teenage boys aren't immune to pain and guilt. So, for the record, it's PEOPLE that get taken advantage of in porn, not girls.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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