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RSS Jj20131090

Reward Points:11
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

If to consider love biologically, love is a complex of 5 hormones. First is dopamine which is produced at the beginning of love and dopamine forces people to achieve goals. Second is serotonin, a hormone of pleasure and delight. But people suffer in this period. Third is adrenalin, a stress hormone, which leads people to a state of inspiration and desire to "move mountains". Next is endorphins, a hormone of peace and satisfaction, it releases during physical contact with the object of love. Fifth is a complex of oxytocin and vasopressin which are hormones of tenderness and affection. As a result, an ardent passion fades as it is growing tender affection. If we look at concept of love in this way, we can say directly that hormones is a chemical reaction in our body therefore people cannot love unconditionally.

1 point

It is not normal. People start gossiping when they are unhappy/boring and etc. which in turn is not normal at all. Parents gave us education, they raise up us but they raised us not for gossiping. We should our lives, we should be so busy and we should not have time for gossiping. That is normal.

1 point

No, absolutely two opposites cannot work together. Both sides will offer proper services, and one side will be as winner and the other one will be in a weak position. For example, to put one vegan and one who is possessed with meat and charge them to campaign one of the lifestyles then it will become a mess between two sides which will pull the blanket over themselves.

2 points

It is not normal that people talk about others while they have own problems. Firstly people should rearrange own lives then give accusing speeches. Secondly it looks awful when someone is gossiping in bad way behind other's back. If you are so cool, go ahead and tell it face to face.

1 point

As I remember women is called "the weaker vessel" and the Bible says that men should treat wives as the weaker vessel. Actually definition of the weaker vessel does not say that women have less rights or women are less important than men. In fact women are weaker physically and mentally than men because last ones always rescue and protect women. Perhaps women called the weakest sex in order to men to treat them with patience and knowledge and lead them in their lives.

1 point

All animals have feelings, emotions and etc., so I am sure that humanity should NOT use animals for food, clothes and other needs. Animals are not meant to be our food, they must be equal in rights. I said humanity because some people are too hard-nosed to say that meat do not give us happiness or good health. I am vegetarian and I am happy. I am happy to save lives of innocent animals which are more humane that people are.

Winning Position: Yes, it should be taught.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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