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RSS Jjlol

Reward Points:8
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

The religion of Islam itself is a religion of peace. The only thing that makes look bad is the opposing propaganda and the dumb terrorists and criminals who use Islam as an excuse to do their doings. You can say that the followers of Islam are mostly liars who pretend to be good Muslims but are, in reality, selfish criminals who are greedy to get power, fame, or money.

1 point

Good for you, and so do I. Remember, there is nothing wrong with it, you are who you are no matter what people say or think about you.

1 point

Could be, but do you think that they would expose their secret society for rubbing it in our faces?

1 point

We have all seen these bursts in movies and TV shows where people find hidden signs and messages that are related in someway to a secret society. Do you think that these hints are there for no reason? Well, I believe that this is a part of a bigger plan. You see, in psychology, there is a theory that states that when a person is exposed to a certain stimuli for a long period of time, then that person would gradually accept that stimuli until it will become a part of his daily life. For example, if you go into a room filled with the smell of trash, then after sometime, you would stop smelling the bad smell and you would adapt to it. I think that this is what these secret societies are trying to do. They want you to gradually accept and adapt to them being around you in in control of everything you watch and see. Many psychologist also believe that these hidden messages sink down into your subconscious even without noticing the sign. All these videos on YouTube and other sites that talk about these secret societies are only advertising for them and helping them with their plan, whether helping them was intentional or not. If these societies wanted to stay a hidden then they would have done so, but I believe that its not what they are aiming for.

Winning Position: Why does the Illuminati (or Freemasonry) add hints in movies, songs, and etc.?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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