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RSS Jlayer

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I don't believe that it does because most people can control how they write. Yes, most people shorten their words and sentences in a text message but when it comes to writing a formal paper there is proof reading, rewriting, and editing to prevent the spelling and grammar errors. When it comes to talking to others, if you start using "lol" and "omg" as an actual word, your a complete moron. Everyone knows "lol" and "omg" are not words, so don't use them in your speak as if they are.

1 point

I have to side with being fatherless because if you have a lousy father then he isn't there for you when you need him, so whats the point in him being there? Yes, it sucks not knowing who your father is but life does move on. My dad left my mom before i was born, so I do know what its like to be fatherless and my life has moved along just fine and to me he is dead because he has never been there or even tried to be there. A lousy father would be a bad influence on your life and you would most likely end up being just like him. We already have enough bad influences in our lives, we don't need another one.

0 points

No I would not because i would have taken a vow say to stick by them in sickness and health. They might be sick in the head but she would be my wife. If anything id be trying to find a way to keep her from getting caught.

1 point

Helping others for the common good can give you a feeling of pride but you have to have the means to be able to help the other person. To have those means you first have to have personal pursuit. I don't think one is better than the other but you first have to have personal pursuit before you can have common good. However for some people their personal pursuit can be the advancement of the common good.

1 point

Yes, it should continue to be taught because Shakespeare is one of the greatest masters of the English language. It is what has kept his plays popular and taught for so long. It is hard to understand because English was different during his lifetime but the key is finding and understand all of the literary elements that he uses and how he makes the words do what he wants.

1 point

I would have to agree to this quote because you cant be free if you hold a grudge against someone for what they have done and you cant have freedom if you worry about the same thing your whole life. You eventuallu have to get past the bump in the road and move on with your life and that is what I think the quote is trying to say.

1 point

Response to:

"I think superman because batman is just a bat. So when we have a problen superman can fly with his natural born powers and save the world. Batman can to but he really can't fight because he is a bat."

If you have ever seen the movie Batman Begins, in the begining he falls down a well that is filled with bats. Later on in the movie he visits the same well and over comes his fear of bats. The bat outfit is symbolic to him overcoming his fear.

1 point

Batman is more heroic because he takes a chance at losing his life to save others. Superman only has one true weakness so he isnt really risking his life.

1 point

Well it depends on the school. Does the school have after school activities and clubs, or a good fine arts department, and how about the sports? If the school has those then no they are not killing the creativity because their are many things that you can join and be your self. But if the school doesnt have those and is strict then, yes, they are killing creativity because you can not be your self.

-1 points

I do believe that video surveillance is needed because it can help catch people who are skipping. it could also help catch someone in the event that they came into the school and committed an act of violence.

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