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RSS Juliakim1104

Reward Points:8
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

If we delveop tidal flats, there would be no left creatures!

1 point

I think girls should be alouded to play sports, because :

- they have the rights.

- some of them are even better at sports than boys.

- playing sports are good for the health.

0 points

I disagree that winning is the most important part of playing sport. I think that way, because of these three reasons.

First of all, the games are for fun. Well, winning the games is also important thing, but it is not the main purpose of the game. The main purpose of the game is to have fun, to have or practice teamwork, and to have a chance to lead the team peacefully.

Second, most of the games are for practice. I personally think that during the practicing games you should focus on stopping the balls, having a teamwork, etc...., and not just thinking about winning. Also, if there is a kid, who only thinks about the score he may say bad words, or start body tack-cling only because his team didn't win.

Third, the losing is also useful. By losing, most of the people feel depression. But soon they recover, and learn to work together towards to make their goals to come true. Despite the differences, people try to understand each other, and naturally, they learn hoe to get along with people, how to understand themselves and fellow members.

Lastly, it is okay to lose, because you have already have tried your best. You should learn from your mistakes and make sure that you do not repeat them . By doing so, it that you know the value of a sportsmanship. After all, this process of learning makes the game more valuable.

Displaying 3 most recent debates.

Tied Positions: no way! vs. of course!
Winning Position: No

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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