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RSS Jwaldman13

Reward Points:7
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7 most recent arguments.
jwaldman13(7) Clarified
1 point

You are contradicting yourself he is trying to say that by pointing out other ways of raising economy does not dis-support the fact legalization of marijuana would boost the economy.

1 point

It has been scientifically proven marijuana is not addicting. You stated that the drug will be used more but, there is no evidence to back that statement because, in states where it has been legalized there has been no increase in usage of the drug. Even if usage increases America would still be making money.

1 point

In some cases this may be true but, this is not a symptom of smoking or ingesting marijuana.

2 points

Also you do not understand the amount of debt we have we have around 18 trillion dollars in debt. Even if all the billionaires in the US and even some from around the world we still could not pay off our debt.

2 points

I agree with you on the fact that there are other ways to raise the economy but understand this is just a proposal. In the end there is no reason that marijuana should be illegal. Pure cannabis which is the weed used recreationally in the states it is already legalized occurs in nature. When we start to outlaw nature we start to lose freedom. Have you ever heard of a mad person who is intoxicated on weed? No because, there are no such people. Cannabis has a extremely low health risk due to the fact that in order to just over dose not die but, overdose they would have to smoke a very large amount in which the human body could not even intake and even if it could the human body would naturally make itself pass out. Over history we have seen when we legalizing a intoxicating substance we have better control over it. For example, alcohol prohibition. During alcohol prohibition the crime rate sky rocketed due to the fact everyone was trying to illegal bootleg alcohol which led to more problems. Once we legalize a substance it is no longer being illegally sold so less crime occurs and the drug could be more regulated ten fold. College universities no longer debate this topic anymore claiming the debate to be weighted more in the legalize sides' favor.

2 points

I agree with you on the fact that there are other ways to raise the economy but understand this is just a proposal. In the end there is no reason that marijuana should be illegal. Pure cannabis which is the weed used recreationally in the states it is already legalized occurs in nature. When we start to outlaw nature we start to lose freedom. Have you ever heard of a mad person who is intoxicated on weed? No because, there are no such people. Cannabis has a extremely low health risk due to the fact that in order to just over dose not die but, overdose they would have to smoke a very large amount in which the human body could not even intake and even if it could the human body would naturally make itself pass out. Over history we have seen when we legalizing a intoxicating substance we have better control over it. For example, alcohol prohibition. During alcohol prohibition the crime rate sky rocketed due to the fact everyone was trying to illegal bootleg alcohol which led to more problems. Once we legalize a substance it is no longer being illegally sold so less crime occurs and the drug could be more regulated ten fold. College universities no longer debate this topic anymore claiming the debate to be weighted more in the legalize sides' favor.

1 point

I support the legalization of marijuana. I believe it would be beneficial to the U.S economy. Also since the U.S needs more means of funding it could tax the drug.

I feel that it is a persons conscious decision to use the drug so they should be allowed to take the drug in the comfort of their own home. My opponent might say that a person intoxicated on marijuana could kill people or be a risk to the public. However, marijuana is a depressant which relaxes the user so the drug would not cause users to be enraged. Finally, marijuana has been proven by many scientists to be less harmful to the human body than cigarettes or alcohol.

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