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RSS Kate_swanson

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

I agree. It's just not that simple, and they'd never agree to it anyway so what's the point? The problem is that Israelis don't know who they are negotiating with, the people who want to just kill them all or the good guys, and vice versa. It could be solved, if terrorism threats weren't a constant problem, because at anytime, they could fall into the terrorist section of the Arabs/Israelis' trap that with kill their side completely, so they don't know who to trust. There are two groups to every side of an argument, the people who want to negotiate and the ones who want to fight. Their just like middle school bitches only they have bombs and nuclear missiles, because believe me, I was a middle school girl just last year, and if we fought with weapons like that rather than with facebook and stuff, we'd be so much worse than the Israeli Palestine conflict. Or any other major conflict. Sooooo much worse... And that's just in a tiny school in a tiny town in Iowa, Adel to be exact (that's not pronounced like the British singer Adelle btw. It's with a long a, like ay-dell.) and don't ask if we grow potatoes. Everyone does. THAT'S IDAHO, PEOPLE!!! We grow CORN! A lot of it; and soybeans.

1 point

Well the Palestinians had it first. The Jews left, and you're all forgetting that God promised that land to Abraham's children, and although he was the son that was pushed aside and left out of the picture, Ishmael is the ancestor of the Arabs, and Isaac is the ancestor of the Jews so really there is no promise, and the Jews didn't call quack quack land back when they left so the Arabs, many of whom were already living there just stayed, so really they were always there, it was always their land. And then after the Holocaust, the British and the US felt so bad for the Jews, now without homes and jobs and families, they wanted to make them a home somewhere they didn't get persecuted, and that it wouldn't happen again. So they placed all the Jews in a spot where everyone hated them. And don't try to bring the Balfour Declaration into this, that was Britain giving land that they didn't have possession of to a different country who also didn't own it, without saying anything to the people already living there. They had no right to do that. And the British said that if they helped them in the 1st world war then they'd help give the people independence from the Turks and give that land to them as their homeland, but then the British didn't keep their end of the bargain. They turned around and stabbed them in the back by giving their land to a bunch of their enemies that they'd had wars with in the past. And I don't think they chose a good way to handle the situation with the fighting, and I'm not saying they are totally innocent, I feel it's just a big misunderstanding that's gotten way out of hand, and I don't believe either side deserves all the land, but it would be good if they would just knock it off with the Terrorism and hate and live together in peace. It won't happen for a long time though, that's for sure. Damn Britain and my USA... We are always making stuff worse!

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