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RSS Kenzielee12

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

So my first point would be is there really a difference between murder and abortion? No not really. If you kill a little girl while she is living in her mothers belly, its okay. NO ITS NOT! If you didn't want to deal with a kid or couldn't afford it, then you shouldn't have got knocked up. That may sound rude but its the truth. And if this were to happen, give her up for adoption, let her have a chance at life. Basically if you agree with abortion you are saying that its okay to kill someone, but only in certain places. So i can kill this little girl while she is in her mothers belly, but not in her bedroom. So i can kill a person in the park, but not at the store. All you are saying is that the place of murder is the only factor.

Also you as a human should not have the power to decide weather a person lives or dies. You should not be able to choose if a girl gets to have a chance at life or if she isn't worth it.

1 point

No they are not good because when we set off a nuclear bomb, we are destroying mass amounts of people and land. Well that's the point...right? Yes that is the point, but in doing thus we kill innocent people that live there or are held hostage or just happen to be there. Also this destroys civilizations, meaning that all the people that evacuated, or live near have no where to go because everything around them has been destroyed. Mass destruction may be a positive for the army, but not for the innocent people around the area they are bombing.

1 point

I do not believe in the death penalty. I believe that humans should not be in control of life, something that they didn't create. Also i don't think that we should be able to take away something we can not give, therefore i believe in life sentencing to prison. This way, they are still not out roaming the streets and are serving a penalty, but not death, Humans should leave life to God and stop trying to take it into their own hands.

1 point

No , i don't believe in changing your God given sex, but if you choose to do so, you are doing that to become the opposite sex and should be treated like that.

1 point

I think that people who are naturally pretty have more advantages in some situation(such as getting help, attracting others, etc.), but not enough to say that other people who are not absolutely gorgeous are treated unfairly. Also people that are dying get more attention because we want them to feel loved and cared for during their last months or days, but that doesn't meant that people do not pay attention to those who are in good health.

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