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RSS Kfhwzxc

Reward Points:1
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1 point

In my point of view, National Service should be mandatory for all male Singaporeans. As a Singaporean, I think that protecting and embracing our country - our home - is important. Singapore is a small country, and our human resources are already very limited compared to countries like China, Russia, etc. With already such a small population, if part of our male population do not participate in National Service, the level of our security will decrease. This will lead to possibly more terrorists invading our country, as they will know that our country is not careful or safe enough that they will be unsuccessful in their invasion. Invasion of our country will further lead to chaos among the whole of Singapore. It will also spoil our reputation of being one of the safest countries in the world. Also, when wars arise, Singaporeans would not be able to defend themselves due to the lack of human resources. Like what happened in World War II, we would be captured by more powerful countries and lose our freedom. Citizens will also get tortured by the people who captured our country. Nobody would want to be controlled and tortured by others. Thus, to maintain our freedom and prevent suffering, we have to make our home a safer place to live in, and the one such way is to make National Service mandatory, so that there will be people securing our country all the time from disasters.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Kimberlee Foo
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: Singapore

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