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RSS Kushlol23

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

You can't ask the government to make a profit off of something when they don't have anything to make a profit out of. Running the government like a business, you lose focus of anything else the government should be working on. Running a government is way different than running a business, it is way more complex and focus on more things than just one.

1 point

From Forbes Magazine:

If you're asking the government to run like a business you're also asking it to turn a profit but not everything is profitable.Reality TV, fashion, sports, and gambling are all of questionable social value, but each is quite profitable and exists in the private sector. Meanwhile, few would argue that the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, police department, fire department, libraries, parks, and public schools are of no social value, and yet they could not exist if they were required to be profitable. Imagine maintaining a standing military by selling subscriptions door-to-door: “Hello, my name is Captain Johnson, and I represent the US Army. Are you afraid of foreigners? Would you like guaranteed protection against invasion, pillaging, enslavement, and more? Please see our brochure for our three levels of service.” There would, of course, be a few subscribers, but nothing approaching the level necessary to truly protect the United States from attack.

From The Federalist:

Running government wholly like a business fuels progressive ends because it rejects the necessary work of compromise, give-and-take, and logrolling in favor of action simply. It rejects politics itself in favor of micromanaging virtually every aspect of our lives without our consent.

From Paste Magazine:

The mission of government is more complex than the mission of a business. In fact, the government’s mission is itself a constant source of contention, with different political parties and factions within the government having different ideas and agendas about what government is for, what it should do, and what are the limits of government power. Running a business can be incredibly complex and stressful, too, of course – but the complexities of a business are more narrowly focused than the complexities of government. Even the biggest, most complex businesses are simpler than the U.S. government. Business is like playing checkers; politics is like playing 3D Chinese checkers—but with the Supreme Court stepping in and changing the rules halfway through the game.

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