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RSS Kyliebrons

Reward Points:14
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

I disagree with the notion ''People don't trust online shopping''.. As you say many people do shop online and if you know what kind of safety measures the specific online shop has taken, you can kind of estimate how safe it is.. Your wallet can also be stolen out of your handbag while shopping in a store, your card can be ribbed anywhere as well..

Also I disagree with ''Although I'm pretty sure the online shopping is very popular, I doubt it will take down the stores. I bet the money spent online is a very small per mille compared to regular stores.''

Since a lot of stores have been closing due to the online competition. Maintaining a physical store costs way more than an online store..

1 point

I agree for many reasons.. Nowadays, we are all extremely busy. Shopping online can be very pleasant since you can do this whenever suits you, the ''online shops'' are open day & night. In addition, most of the online stores have an assortment that outshines those of physically present stores. Also, the overview online stores give of the diversity in assortments allows you to see what they have in a very short amount of time.

What I also personally very much like is that online, no sellers are physically present with the purpose of making you buy certain products or items. You choose and you have the privacy to do so, no one is ''looking over your shoulder''.

I love that you can order as much as you want, try it out in your own comfort zone, your house, and send it back if its not up to your wishes.

1 point

spiritual leadership can be defined as follows: spiritual leadership is corporative leadership as the spiritual power of the organization, to do business with compassion starts with ordering the self and care for the aspirations and wellbeing of others. (Paul de Blot, 2007) To simplify, spiritual leadership is leading with the cognitive mind and the heart or soul, which means leading with empathy.

Corporative leadership is focused on the performance of employees, but it is not the final goal. The biggest goal is the well-being of employees through which good performance comes naturally. (Paul de Blot, 2007)

kyliebrons(14) Clarified
1 point

Thank you for your comment. To clarify, spiritual leadership takes the wellbeing of employees into acctount. It actually values employees as its most important assets. The vision is that when employees are well their productivity appears to be much higher.. Especially during reorganizations, well-being of employees is relevant.. Most of the time they are in fear of losing their job / change of salary and so on.. A reorganization mostly shows a decrease in productivity of employees and they show resistance.. What I am very much interested in is your vision as to what you think about this style of leading with compassion, coroporative, transparant and open.. Especially in relation a reorganization.

1 point

This could be professional but is strongly dependent upon the kind of company and the kind of social media being used. I also believe it depens upon the job specifics! However, I think Online marketing companies that use a lot of social media would appreciate this way of approaching. I think traditional companies are less appropriate.

1 point

I think it is very interesting to take into account that professional journalism is not necessarily addressing the truth. Most media platforms are owned by major media firms with a lot of money and power. I have done a International Journalism Minor and this revealed a lot of lobbying / politics for me in the world of ''professional journalism''.. I believe that user-generated news can also allow for some honest news and to keep some power into the hands of consumers..

On the other hand, the quality of validity of facts is obviously to be questioned by user-generated news but this too is the case with professional journalism. I think they are complementary to each other and not to be confused, they both have their own function.

1 point

Personally I disagree in the sense of being ''unable'' to integrate in the country as many others in this debate too.. However, to offer a little bit of a different perspective which could maybe be of use.. We are a tiny little country in which a lot languages other than Dutch are spoken, a lot of English is being used in the business world and so on.. Not even only, walk into a yoga school for fun and see that most classes are offered in English. Of course this is not the case with any activity, but as I said, I am just trying to broaden the lens / perspective here.. I think the reason behind having to learn to speak Dutch is more to preserve the culture and language of the country and out of respect for the host country you move to.. If I were to move to Spain, France, or anywhere.. I personally would like to be able to speak the language! So I am not planning to move to china ;)

1 point

I think business blogging is essential because I have seen this in the companies I have been working for. It is still a very effective way to generate traffic to your website / company and transfer competent information in an easy to digest way. I have worked for many online marketing companies though, so maybe this is not relevant for any type of company.

1 point

Digital communication will never be similar to face-to-face communication. There is a lot more to communication than words, in my personal opinion it goes even further than gestures, sighs, tone of voice and body language.. To me it even goes to the point of touch, and meeting of energies / moods..

Digital communication is not personal, static, not fluid and offers more privacy - distance.. It also causes a lot of misinterpretations because people can simple not ''read'' each other through body language and their energy.

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