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RSS Lejlasubaisc

Reward Points:7
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

Yes climate changes are usually a natural occerrence. But historic shifts show us how sensetive the planet is to greenhouse warming from co2 in the atmosphere.Humans continue to pump co2 skyward at an uprising rate so now it might be 10% but it wil surly rise and take over in the new century.

1 point

Yes climate changes are usually a natural occerrence. But historic shifts show us how sensetive the planet is to greenhouse warming from co2 in the atmosphere.Humans continue to pump co2 skyward at an uprising rate so now it might be 10% but it wil surly rise and take over in the new century.

1 point

Apart fropm pumping co2 -mand-made cause, We are also destroying whats good for us and the planet cutting trees for exaple- we are getting faster at tearing this world apart, inside-out!

1 point

Everyone needs to stop this but without humans there was stil ice ages, we are poisining the earth slowly and you just need to open your eyes everyone! You are saying that co2 that humans release isent doing any damage what so ever - of course it is!! The earth has changed before and it has been punished, but know we are dameging it playing with the way it works its clear that if we are damaging it there wil be a climate change when we all have to suffer, because we made it happen at least if we dont damage such a thing then it might not happen for a long time but if it dose we wil survive it. Know, now were just damaging it worse so the cosequence's wil be worse and the consequence's will be coz of man-made actions not natural. And we might not survive.

2 points

Apart fropm pumping co2 -mand-made cause, We are also destroying whats good for us and the planet cutting trees for exaple- we are getting faster at tearing this world apart, inside-out!

2 points

Everyone needs to stop this but without humans there was stil ice ages, we are poisining the earth slowly and you just need to open your eyes everyone! You are saying that co2 that humans release isent doing any damage what so ever - of course it is!! The earth has changed before and it has been punished, but know we are dameging it playing with the way it works its clear that if we are damaging it there wil be a climate change when we all have to suffer, because we made it happen at least if we dont damage such a thing then it might not happen for a long time but if it dose we wil survive it. Know, now were just damaging it worse so the cosequence's wil be worse and the consequence's will be coz of man-made actions not natural. And we might not survive.

2 points

Yes climate changes are usually a natural occerrence. But historic shifts show us how sensetive the planet is to greenhouse warming from co2 in the atmosphere.Humans continue to pump co2 skyward at an uprising rate so now it might be 10% but it wil surly rise and take over in the new century.

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